Part Ten.

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Killian POV ( couldn't kill off our dashing rapscallion now could I?)

Silence. Blackness.

The water, which transformed into a horrible brown colour from all the dirt and sand, was surrounding everything. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see. I attempted to open my eyes, but the water was so caked with dirt that there was no point.

I tried to push my left arm above the water, but there was no above. I was far from the surface. My right arm gripped Josh's waste, making sure he would never leave my side. I began to struggle to hold my breath, which was when I knew I had to get to the top fast. Not so much for my sake, but for Josh's.

I quickly found enough strength to move my legs below me, which actually made us closer to the surface. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light which was not even a meter above my head. At the same time, I moved my legs and my left arm and before I knew it the world was visible again.

The oxygen hit me like a ton of bricks, as did the sight of the beach. Water was everywhere. Parts of buildings were floating around me. The trees were hardly noticeable. The thing that stunned me the most was the bodies. Loads of bodies lying helplessly, floating above the water. I prayed none of them were my friends or family.

"Daddy?" A soft voice spoke.

Josh was alive. The smile grew on my face as I held his head making sure he wasn't hurt.

"Son! Are you okay? Can you breathe okay? Are you hurt?" I stuttered.

The boy nodded and smiled. I held him for a while before finding a car, which we could sit on while we think of what the bloody hell we are going to do next.

We sat on the car roof with our feet still in the water it was that high up. As I thought of our next move, I prayed Josh wouldn't ask the question I was dreading to answer.

"Dad? Where's mummy" Josh looked at me and said, with a lost look in his eyes.

I pulled him into my waist tightly.

"I'm afraid I don't know son. But I do know one thing. She's out there looking for us as we speak. She's okay I promise" I said, hoping I was right.

Where are you Emma?

A few hours past and there were boats and helicopters everywhere. Thankfully, another kind survivor had spotted Josh and me, and took us to the nearest hospital, after an extremely long and horrible trip.

When we arrived, there were loads of injured, helpless people running around screaming their family members names. It was awful. Loads of hospital beds, which were full of people, spread out across the hospital, everywhere I looked there was someone who was in severe pain.

I lifted Josh into my arms and walked around the entire hospital, praying that any familiar face would appear.

"Excuse me sir, is you're boy hurt?" A nurse asked.

"Oh no he's okay, thank you"

"Are you looking for someone?" They added.

"Um yes actually. Jones? Emma Jones?" I asked with a lump in my throat.

"Sorry sir, no record of an Emma Jones in this hospital, however there is another hospital a few miles away, good luck" the nurse smiled before walking over to a patient.

God dammit Emma where are you. Josh needs you. I need you.

I took Josh and began to walk out of the hospital before I was violently tugged backwards. My reflexes took over and I quickly turned around and grabbed the persons arm with great force.


"Killian it's you!!" He yelled pulling Josh and I in for the tightest and most heart warming hug ever.

I looked at Henry and realised how damaged he was. His eyes were purple, his lip had burst open, he had a wound in his arm and he was covered in blood from head to toe.

"Henry I'm so glad to see you son, I can't find anyone else! I was with Josh when It happened and made sure he was safe, your mother however.." tears formed in my eyes at the thought of anything bad happening to her. "I don't know where she is but it's not here, there's another hospital not far I was going to check. Have you heard of anyone else?"

Henry touched Josh's arm and smiled, happy that his brother was alive.

"I've heard nothing from Robin and Regina, or Roland. Caitlin.." He paused and stared through the floor.

"Henry what is it?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Caitlin didn't make it"

Oh god no.. My heart shattered within my chest.

"We came here after a boat had spotted us. She was wounded by a sharp metal roof. I think it came from one of the bar roofs. I tried to keep her awake, but she was so weak. The blood wouldn't stop pouring out of her. She died a few hours ago during treatment" He sobbed, with tears beginning to fall rapidly down his cheeks.

Without a word, I put Josh down and pulled Henry in tightly.

"We were going to get married. We were going to become parents" he cried into my shoulder.

Josh came behind Henry and hugged his leg, yet I doubt he understood what was going on.

"Listen Henry, everything's going to be okay. I promise. You're strong and I need you to be strong right now until we find everyone else okay?" I tried to comfort him, but I was drenched in my own tears.

I stood bad and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Yeah of course"

We will find you Emma. We will always find you.

{ okay this note has absolutely nothing to do with this book ok but I'm really upset bc I know I'll never meet Colin. I've known that for ages. But my first ever holiday is next month and I'm going to New York (I'm from Scotland) and guess what? Guess who's there RIGHT NOW? yep you guessed it. Colin. Why couldn't he just wait a month exactly. Damn I wanna cry. Rant over. }

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