Part Four.

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*2 weeks later*
Killian POV

"Emma sweetheart where are the passports?" I asked searching in every possible cupboard that existed in this bloody house.

Today was the day we were flying out to Spain on holiday. It wasn't actually a holiday, we were visiting Roland, but to me any get away is a holiday.

Just when you think you've planned everything out the night before, there's always something you've forgot. Passports.

"Killian I left them on the table" she yelled from another room.

I stared at the table in search for the so called passports, which have seemed to turn invisible.

I turned around to check somewhere else and noticed Josh chewing on our passports.

"Shit" I whispered to myself as I dashed over to Josh talking them off him.

"Don't touch anything Josh!" I said, perhaps too harsh.

Realising the tone of my voice I took a deep breath and sat Josh on the couch.

"Sorry son, why don't you watch Spongebob until we're ready to go okay?"

"Okay dad" he frowned.

I gave him a kiss on the head before joining Emma who looked like she was ready for killing someone.

"Calm down love"

"I'm trying, I don't know if we've packed everything we need" she said collapsing into my arms due to her tiredness.

"We did it all last night, Josh's case is packed and zipped and our passports are on the table waiting on us"

She signed and finally zipped our case over.

"Okay, let's get to the airport then"

Emma POV

After the 20 minute journey in a taxi we finally reached the airport where we were greeted by Henry, Caitlin, Regina,Robin and little Flynn at the entrance.

Seeing all their happy faces and suitcases lifted all my stress and I was really excited to get going.

We arrived at security and got through quite easily actually. After that it was a 2 hour wait for the 7am flight. We all picked our seats wisely as we were going to be there for a while.

"We're going to grab some food" Robin said, taking Killian and Henry with him.

"How are you feeling Caitlin?" Regina asked, referring to the pregnancy.

"It's been brilliant so far, I feel completely normal!" She smiled.

"Just wait" Regina and I said in unison causing us all to laugh.

"Nah were joking, you'll do just fine" I laughed.

"Flynn don't touch that!" Regina gasped rushing over to her son who was attempting to wheel away someone else's suitcase.

We all laughed before Killian Robin and Henry had brought us back a McDonald's.

It was a quick 2 hours and it was finally time to board. Our suitcases were taken off us and placed at the top of the plane before we attempted to look for out seats.

Regina, Robin and Flynn were sat together, Henry and Caitlin were too. I walked down the isle with Killian behind me and Josh in front before Josh ran off and insisted he sat with his brother. Allowing him, I quickly found a seat beside the window for Killian and I.

It was an 8 hour flight, so I decided to choose a film for Killian and I to watch. After browsing through the poor selection, I finally found a film I loved. Titanic.

"You can think again if you believe I'm watching that with you" Killian laughed.

"Have you ever seen it though?"

"No love, I don't plan on it either" he refused.

"It's really good trust me! Please babe" I tried not to laugh because I knew he would hate it, but I wanted to watch it with him.

I brought out my amazing puppy eyes which always worked on him.

"Fine Emma but I'm picking a movie next, and your watching it no matter what" he sighed taking a pair of headphones.

It was halfway through the movie, when Jack first met Rose to be exact, when Killian's hand moved towards my thigh. I loved it when he did that.

Further on, when Jack was drawing naked Rose, I noticed Killian staring right through the screen like he would never see a naked women ever again.

I watched him as his eyes slowly moved to their   corners , checking to see if I was looking at him. Of course I was looking at him. I'm a typical jealous wife.

"Don't worry love she's got nothing on you" he smirked, not moving his head from the screen.

I smiled to myself before turning my attention back to the screen.

It got to the part where the boat had sank and the sad music was playing and I swore Killian had watery eyes.

Of course I did too, this film always got to me but to see Killian almost crying made me laugh.

"What you laughing at Jones" he glared.

"You and your watery eyes"

"I'm not crying!" He yelled obviously forgetting where he was.

I think I hit a nerve.

His face flushed with redness as some other people on the plane had turned around and stared at him.

"I'm not crying" he whispered into me trying not to laugh.

"It's okay to cry sometimes Killian" I smirked

He rolled his eyes before there was an announcement.

1 hour left until departure.

I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've had so much going on lately💕.

I also apologise if you haven't seen Titanic bc I've probably just ruined it for you. Great movie though lol.

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