Part Eight.

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Emma POV

The warm wind blew it's way through my long blonde hair as I walked alone the beach, with many different things running around inside my head.

Josh is still no where to be seen. It shatters my heart every time I think about what may have happened to him, or who might have took him, but I believe that he's safe. I can feel it.

Also, Killian and I picked a bad time to argue, I needed him so much right now. But, I don't need him telling me how much of a bad father he is, because that is certainly not true. I just want to run towards him and embrace his warm hugs, but being alone right now was what I really needed. Some time to clear my thoughts.

The sound of the ocean was the most calming sound ever, hearing it almost made me forget about all the terrible things happening to me right now. I could just stay here forever, it actually made me feel okay again.

As I stepped closer and closer towards the water, I could hear faint voices in the far distance calling out my name. Refusing to turn around, I kept walking, deeper and deeper into the freezing cold sea, oblivious to anything, and anyone, around me.

"Emma! Emma get up!"

"Mum wake up! Why won't you wake up!"

I opened my eyes the tiniest bit as I was faced with a beaming white light. My palms suddenly were in their own puddle of sweat, I could feel the pain in my head which resembled drums bashing of one another.

"Killian" I whispered weakly, unsure of why I couldn't speak.

"I'm here love, are you okay? Can you see me?" He said as I felt him squeeze my hand.

Where am I?

"Josh?" Was the next name to escape from my mouth.

"Mum you're okay!!"

The toddler threw himself on top of me hugging me tightly with his small, yet loving arms.

I released a breath and suddenly tears began to fall from my eyes. He was alive. My little boy is alive.

"Killian what happened?" I asked, raising my head before releasing I was in the back of what appeared to be an ambulance.

"You don't remember?" He asked confused.

I nodded in agreement before he began to tell me the story.

"We were in the cafe, enjoying our meals when you just passed out, Emma. You fell right on the ground, smashing your head off the concrete floor, I didn't get there in time to catch you. I'm so sorry. You've been out for hours Emma I thought I lost you" he said with tears forming in his eyes as he held my hand on my chest.

It was a dream. It was all a dream.

"Oh my god, what the.." I said in complete shock. "Killian I've been dreaming for ages, I thought we lost Josh, and then we had a huge argument. We thought something terrible had happened to Josh Killian, it broke us, tore us apart. The last thing I remember was storming away from you before walking into the sea"

"Well it's over now, Josh is fine, I'm fine and thankfully, you're fine. However we need to get you checked at the hospital, you scared me so much Emma" he said, kissing my forehead

I let out a sigh of relief and held onto Killian and Josh's hands, making sure that they would never leave me again.

"Henry and everyone else are right behind us in the van, they were in such shock, Henry broke down and didn't know what to do. He got really upset and just left, but luckily I managed to get him back when I said there was an ambulance on the way, you really need to see him when we get out of this damn thing"

After a short, yet it seemed like forever, ambulance trip to the hospital, we were finally there and before I knew it I was getting checked out by a doctor.

"Everything's going to be okay emma, but I'm going to prescribe you with these folic acid tablets, which will boost up your iron levels. You have low iron, which caused you to faint, it is essential that your body gets the iron it needs, so that you won't faint again. Okay?" He said.

I understood and nodded, before he handed me the box of tablets and allowed me back to my family and friends.

"Mum thank god your okay! You had me worried sick" Henry cried, pulling me into his arms.

"Relax kid, everything's gonna be fine" I smiled.

"We've had a long day guys, I suggest we pack up and head back to the villa, we're all glad you're okay Emma" Robin said, picking up Flynn.

"Yeah I second that" Regina smiled.

"That settles it then, let's get ourselves home"

After we all agreed, we buckled up in the van and began to drive back home. I sat beside Killian in the very back, with Josh who was sleeping on my shoulder.

"We can never lose him Killian, that was horrible" I whispered into his arm.

"Of course we won't love, we take good care of him, watching his every move, there's no chance of him slipping through our fingers"

"I'm glad your saying this, in the dream you said it was your fault he was missing, you said you were a terrible father and it really got to me, you know that's not true right?" I looked into his eyes.

"Emma love, I may act like a 5 year old from time to time, but up here" he said, tapping his head twice. "Up here I know what I'm doing, I will do anything in my will to protect him, and you of course, I know I'm many bad things, but I wouldn't call myself a bad father"

"Good" I smiled, before pressing my lips against his.

** Ohhhhh plot twist!! Did anyone see that coming?

I can relate to Emma in this chapter, I too tend to have a similar fainting problem, and it's rather scary haha, that's how I knew about the folic acid tablets etc! I hope you're all enjoying this book so far, thanks for almost 4K reads dearies ily❤️❤️**

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