Part Seven.

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Killian POV

I scanned my eyes around the empty table, noticing that it was indeed just Emma and I alone.

"Emma don't play games right now sweet heart, that sort of joke isn't funny" I sighed, returning back to my orange juice.

I could practically feel the burning sensation of her eyes glaring at me, so I decided to slowly turn my head towards her incase she was going to throw something at me, or attack me for not believing her.

"Your not joking" I said as an extremely horrible sick feeling made its way across my entire body.

"Do I look like I'm bloody joking?!" She yelled. "When did you last see him? Is he with Regina? Henry?"

"Uh he was here eating his food no longer than 20 minutes ago? Split up you go to Henry I'll get Regina" I said, quickly rushing away to find them.

Emma POV

Tears began to form in my eyes as I ran as quickly as possible towards Henry, who was in the hotel speaking with Caitlin and Roland.

The sick feeling in my stomach only grew when I could see them from afar, without my little boy by their sides.

"Mum what's happened? What is it?" Henry asked, obviously noticing the state I was in.

"It's Josh" I cried out of breath, swallowing hard, "He's missing"

An eerie silence filled the humid air as they all took in what I had just said.

"Missing? How come? Where is Killian?" Caitlin asked worriedly.

"He's gone after Regina incase they have him, when you all left it was just me and Killian at the table and we didn't know where Josh was and were so worried" I said rapidly, in complete tears at this point.

"Hey calm down it's going to be okay, let's go back to the cafe and see if Killian has returned" Roland said, taking my arm.

I nodded in agreement as we rushed quickly back to the cafe where hopefully Killian had brought back my son.

"Killian!" I yelled, looking around in search for him.

I could hear him calling my name back and noticed it was coming from behind me, but when I turned around I was only noticed  Killian, Robin, Regina and Flynn.

"Emma I thought you had found him" Killian struggled to say. I could hear the lump in his throat knowing he was about to cry. 

"I thought the same as you'' I cried, letting my emotions get the better of me causing me to collapse to the ground.

I sat there for a while with my head in my hand's and my knees on the ground.

I became completely oblivious to everything around me, even when I could hear someone calling my name.

"Emma it's going to be okay" Killian sobbed, trying to pull me up.

"I've spoke to the reception, they've not seen him although they've sent police out looking for him and they've got someone watching the cameras closely" Robin said, trying to spark a flicker of hope.

"Thanks mate" Killian answered on behalf of the two of us, I was in no fit state to talk right now.

"Did you hear that love, people are out looking for him right now and we are going to join them, lets go" He said, successfully pulling me to my legs.

"We will all split up, don't worry mum we are going to get him back, I promise" Henry said, quickly running of with Caitlin to search the hotel.

The rest of the group went another way in search for Josh around the football stadium, so Killian and I decided to check along the pool.

"I'm going to be sick" I finally spoke up.

"Please don't worry, or cry. You're going to make me worry and cry" Killian smiled, trying to make me feel better.

"Where the hell could he be? He hasn't even met any friends here to be with them right now" he added.

"I have no idea, he was right beside us Killian how could we be so stupid and clueless" I cried, attempting to wipe my tears away, yet failing miserably.

I turned my head towards Killian and noticed he was too, in his own flood of tears.

"This is all my fault, how could I let him slip away so easily" he said, pulling his hand away from mine and cupping his face.

"I'm such a fucking idiot, and I'm a terrible father"

Hearing Killian call himself these things didn't make matters any better, it only made me cry more which was the last thing we needed right now.

"Don't talk about yourself like that" I shouted, pushing his arm with all my force.

"He's a kid, they get distracted by anything and then they follow it so don't you dare call yourself a terrible dad because your not, okay Killian!!"

"Well if that was the case he would be with us right now wouldn't he?! If I just watched him he wouldn't be alone, he would be with us! It's my own bloody fault that he's gone" He yelled right back in my face.

"You know what? Call yourself what you want Killian, this is the last thing we need, to be arguing, so when you realise how much rubbish is coming out of your mouth right now, call me, I'm going to look for our son" I screamed, storming off towards the beach alone.

Growing Old.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon