Part Eleven.

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Killian POV

The constant noise of screaming, panic and fear was running around my mind as Henry, Josh and I began to walk out of the hospital.

Our search for Emma was top priority, but Robin, Regina, Flynn and Roland were still in our thoughts. I hoped for us to reunited soon.

The look of loss and devastation on Henry's face was truly heartbreaking, he was so excited about his future, his wedding, his child. But nature bested him, making the chance of happiness and love slip right through his fingers.

"Keep your head up kid, I know you've got the strength too" I smiled, placing my hand on Henry's back.

He attempted to smile back, but I don't blame him for not.

The sun was beaming on our backs, the smell of ocean was in the air as the water itself was everywhere.

It was extremely fortunate that some kind stranger was offering a free ride to the hospital which was a few miles away. Even the thought of walking was exhausting.

We weren't the only people in the back of the open van, loads of people crammed beside one another, sitting in complete silence. We were the last to get into the back of the vehicle and when I sat down I accidentally bumped into the man beside me.

"Hey watch what your doing buddy" he said, turning around to face me.

I quickly turned around getting ready to apologise before realisation struck.

"Robin?" I spoke with wide eyes.

"Oh my god Killian! Henry, Josh?! You're all alive!" He smiled before giving me a tight hug.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you right now!" I smiled before the van began to move.

"Me too, is it just you 3?" He gave me a worried look.

I turned to Henry who was in a trance, looking over the van staring into the road.

"I'm afraid so, I've had Josh beside me the full time. Henry however, I found him in the hospital, alone. Caitlin didn't make it" I whispered, making sure Henry didn't hear me to prevent him from thinking about it. But let's face it - he probably already was.

"Oh no.. That's awful. The lad must be heartbroken" Robin said with a sad look on his face.

"Let's change the subject shall we? How are you alone?"

" Well before the water came, I was relaxing on the deck chairs with Regina to my left and Flynn on my knee. That's all I remember. Before I knew it I was practically drowning. I managed to swim to safety and then found that hospital but I had no luck finding anyone, I can only pray now that Regina is in this hospital with my boy. I've managed to contact Roland, he's safe and sound thankfully. Where's Emma?" Robin asked with a curious tone.

"That's awful. We will find them don't worry. And quite like yourself I'm only praying she's in this hospital" I gave a weak smile.

Hours passed, the sun had set, darkness was surrounding us. Almost everyone in the van was sleeping, including Henry who was cuddling into Josh. Robin too had drifted off on my shoulder. Where as I, stared into the sky looking at the stars hoping that this hell will be over soon.

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