Part Three.

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Emma POV

"These are amazing Caitlin!" I said, admiring the taste of her homemade brownies she gave us shortly after arriving.

"I second that" Killian agreed, stuffing his face with them.

Caitlin thanked us before going to check on Josh, who was in the living room watching TV. Caitlin was too in collage, studying home economics which was basically food. She was a fantastic chef. Thank god. Henry can barley make toast.

"So how's everything going?" Killian asked Henry as the 4 of us sat at his dining table.

"Great, as a matter of fact, I've applied for a job involving architecture part time and Caitlin graduates college in less than a month, which is quite useful"

I shot Killian a confused look followed by Henry.

"How is it useful?" I asked in the sweetest way possible.

Tension grew quickly in the room due to the complete and awkward silence.

"Caitlin's pregnant"

So many mixed feelings had spread throughout me as I began to think about the situation. I was beyond happy for them, but at the same time I wasn't. The responsibility for a child is beyond imaginable. Could they handle it? They had money. A cosy home. They were smart. I had faith.

"Oh my god congratulations!!" I yelled excitedly standing up pushing my chair behind me.

I quickly jogged over to Henry and hugged him tightly.

He's growing up. He may be 22 with a baby on the way, but he'll always be my baby.

"Congratulations Caitlin!" I said to her, pulling her too in for a tight hug.

I heard Killian behind me congratulating Henry, before Josh had joined us in the kitchen.

"Whys everyone hugging? Where's my hug?" He asked looking confused.

Killian gave me a look before he picked Josh up into his arms.

"Guess what son? Your going to be an uncle" Killian laughed.

"A what?" Josh asked.

"Henry and Caitlin are having a baby Josh, your finally going to have someone to play with" I interrupted, holding his hand.

"Oh yay!!" He yelled, running over to hug his brother.

We talked, laughed, and ate before Killian and I decided it was time to go home. It had been a long day, plus Killian was complaining about his ankle being sore from when the log tripped him up.

We said our goodbyes before we buckled ourselves into the car and drove off towards home.

It was now around 9 o'clock, and Josh was practically sleeping in Killian's arms as he carried him out of the car.

I opened the door, shaking from the cold weather which was now upon us. It will be good to go to Spain, the heat right now sounds bliss.

Killian carried Josh into his bed and tucked him in as I started to prepare some hot chocolate for the two of us.

I switched on the TV and then Netflix so Killian and I could watch something before bed.

"He's fast asleep"

"He's had a long day I suppose" I smiled before kissing Killian's cheek.

"Is that all I'm getting?" He smirked.

"Right now, yes" I laughed.

"I'll remember that when it's the other way around" he smiled before looking through movies and TV programmes on Netflix.

I walked over to the couch with the mugs of hot chocolate and cuddled beside him pulling the blanket over the two of us.

We sat for a few minutes flicking through Netflix, very stuck on what to watch.

"We spend more time looking for something than we do actually watching something" I laughed.

"That's true love, how about The Backup Plan?" He asked.

We had seen this one before. It was about a women who wants children, but doesn't have a man in her life. After falling pregnant through hospital treatment herself, she meets a man and of course, falls in love.

It's a really funny film, the last time we watched it we were in fits of laughter.

"Sure, put it on" I smiled before Killian pressed play.

We barley speak through movies, it's only the occasional comment.

Killian put his arm around my shoulder and it made me feel like a teenager at the movies with her boyfriend. I loved it.

After the movie finished, it was definitely time for bed, so we got ready and that's exactly where we went.

It was still freezing, so I put on my favourite onesie and jumped into bed as close to Killian's body as possible. I squeezed him tightly and put my leg over his. Body heat of course.

"You know about earlier, when I mentioned Josh would have someone to play with? Maybe he would like a brother or sister of his own to play with" I said with slight worry in my voice.

I loved having a child, but I don't want Josh to be lonely. I was just afraid on how Killian would react.

I felt his laughter as his chest moved up and down. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"One thing at a time, love"

Sorry for taking so long to update, I promise the next one will be very soon. And btw the backup plan is actually a movie and I love it so much so give it a

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