Part Twelve.

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Emma POV

I grabbed Killian's hand tightly, making sure he was never leaving my sight again. He guided me through the hospital to find try and find Josh, but he had forgotten the way so it did take a while.

There was still so many injured people, without there friends, without their families! It was heartbreaking, I knew exactly how they felt.

We walked towards the stairs which lead to the second floor and we were truly lost. It was the first time being in a very large building, it was bound to happen.

When we arrived on the second floor, the atmosphere was eerie, it seemed like no one was here, yet my eyes glanced around so many people.

"Excuse me, this is an area for the dying or those in an extreme critical condition, have you been sent here for someone?" A tall blonde haired doctor said with a bitter tone.

"Sorry, we're a bit lost, can you tell us where the main entrance is?" Killian jumped in and replied as no words came out my mouth.

"Downstairs, take a left then it's your second right" he snarled before walking away.

"What was his problem" Killian said before we turned around and headed towards the stairs.

"I know right?" I smiled glancing around all the innocent people in their hospital beds.

We were almost at the door when something caught my eye. It was a young boy, looking out the far window. He was the similar size of Josh, maybe a tad smaller. He was frozen still, standing with his small, tender hand on someone's arm.

Whoever's arm it was, their body was hidden behind a pillar which was right infront of me. I stopped walking which caused Killian to jolt around as if something had happened.

"Emma are you okay? What are you looking at?" He asked, turning his head to where I was looking.

"Killian I think that might be Flynn" I choked at the thought of Regina who must be the one lying beside him.

The brown haired boy was now facing the bed, making my suggestion true. It was little Flynn.

"Emma you're right, let's go" he gasped, pulling me towards the bed in the far distance.

As we got closer, the person on the bed became more visible. It was Regina. In a very bad state. She had stitches on her head, her entire jaw was bruised, her eyes were black. There was dried in blood all over her body, her face, everything. She was hooked up to machines, which must be the reason why she was out cold.

As we got even closer, Flynn had turned around and noticed us. His face lit up as if he had just seen Santa Clause. He ran towards us with his little feet tapping the ground and he wrapped himself around my legs.

"Emma is my mummy going to be okay?" He spoke up. His voice was so delicate and broke, he truly had no idea what was happening.

"It's good to see you baby" I smiled, coaching down to hug him tightly.

"She's going to be okay Flynn" Killian smiled crouching down beside us.

We sat there in silence, only the sound of Regina's heart monitor could be heard. Before we knew it but, the silence was broken.

"Killian, Regina!?" Robin yelled, running over with Josh in his arms and Henry close behind.

I instantly burst out crying as soon as I seen Josh and Henry, I ran over to them and swiped Josh into my arms, as Henry came and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so happy you're both alive I love you guys so much" I sobbed into Henry's shoulder.

"Mummy it's really you! I knew you were alive, daddy promised me!" Josh said with the biggest smile ever imaginable. 

"I had to be alive son, someone had to cook you're dinner cause we both know your daddy can't cook" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"That'll be the last time I make you anything to eat again then if that's the case " Killian laughed as he approached us.

"You were right dad!" Josh smiled.

"When am I ever wrong Josh?"

I was full of joy and happiness that we finally found each other again, even though some of us weren't in the best of states, but at least we're together. All of us. The sooner Regina gets better the sooner we can go back home.

"I'm glad your okay mum" Henry said pulling me in for a hug.

His voice was strange, he was usually a lot more energetic than this. Whilst hugging him I glanced to Killian and pointed to Henry behind his back making sure he couldn't see me. Killian caught on what I was asking and slowly shook his head. Instantly I caught on, he was here alone. Caitlin didn't make it.

My heart plummeted and shattered as I thought about how he must feel. I pushed it behind me and focused on finding each other again. I didn't want to bring it up and upset him even further.

"Regina!!" Robin cried, running towards her.

She was still sleeping, but that didn't stop Robin from pressing his lips against hers. Afterwards he swooped Flynn into his arms and squeezed the life out of him. Sooner or later a doctor came to inspect Regina, but nothing more could be said than we just had to wait until she woke up.

We all sat around her bed, talking about the whole situation, how we found each other, how we couldn't wait to go back to New York. We spoke about all the foods that we were craving, absolutely everything really as we waited for Regina to join us. We could only pray that it would be soon.

{ sorry this is a boring chapter but I suppose it's still an update. This is the final chapter of the whole tsunami incident, I don't want to bore you all with it haha! So yeah they're all heading back to New York now, but will all of them make it back? Hmm I guess we will see! } 

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