Part Thirteen.

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Killian POV

As I glanced out of the window I admired the trees. The strong wind was causing them to dance almost, with their leaves swaying back and forth. My train of thought was soon interrupted when Henry, came into the room.

"Visiting hours start soon, Dad. We ought to get going right away" Henry smiled, handing me my walking stick.

"Thank you, Henry. You're car or mine?" I joked.

"No offensive, but we wouldn't feel safe with you driving" he laughed, picking up his little girl Jennifer.

"Fair enough kid, shall we get going then?" I smiled. I wouldn't feel safe in a car with myself driving either.

Henry nodded, and let Jennifer run off ahead  whilst he supported my back as I gradually made my way to the car. He made sure Jennifer was strapped in before linking arms with me, guiding me to the passenger seat. When I was secure, Henry got in the drivers seat and began to drive.

I admired the out of the window once again. It was the only thing that distracted me. The thought of my amazing, gorgeous, beautiful wife not knowing who I was anymore caused me a great deal of pain. She remembered no one.

A few years ago, shorty after her 76th birthday, Emma was diagnosed with amnesia. At first, it wasn't so bad, it was only the slight things that she couldn't remember, like her phone password or where she put the TV remote. As it got worse, she had no memory of taking Henry to parents nights in his school, which is where she met me. That one hurt. After that, she began to forget about our wedding, who her son was, then eventually I no longer existed to her. Doctors recommended she was put into a care home, which I was not allowing at all. But it got too much, she thought I was an intruder when I woke up beside her every morning, I couldn't take it anymore. She used to threaten me because she had no idea who I was, it was truly the most heartbreaking thing I have ever experienced.

"You ready?" I snapped out of my trance when I heard Henry's voice.

"Yes son let's go" I said, forcing a smile.

I still regularly visit Emma, all the time actually thanks to Henry who offers to come with me. I know it hurts him just as much as me, but I can't go 2 days without wanting to know if she's safe. Henry doesn't mind though. Before Emma was diagnosed, we both attended Henry's wedding, which was a beautiful memory that she sadly couldn't remember. Around 6 years after the death of Caitlin, Henry met a woman who he thankfully fell madly in love with. Her name was Violet, I think. There I go forgetting everything as well.

Henry went on to have 2 children, Jennifer who is 6, and Sean who is 2. They are lovely kids, it's heartbreaking that their Grandma doesn't know that they're her grandchildren, she'd love them too.

We entered the care home and made our way towards Emma's room, where she has been living for the past 4 years.

"She's a bit cranky today, good luck" the nurse laughed, allowing us into the room.

I walked in and there she was. Sitting in her wheelchair staring out of the window, exactly like I was this morning. She's absolutely beautiful. I'd love nothing more than to go over and kiss her until I had no air left, but there's no way she'd aloud it. I'm nothing but a stranger.

Growing Old.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن