In Which Troye and Melody go To Disney and Also Have a Twitter War

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And eventually, Melody, Troye, Poppy, Lane, Shawna, Tessa, Bri, and many others were at Disney.

They made it into the gates, when Troye immediately grabbed Melody's hand and dragged her off towards the nearest ride.

"Bye, I guess!" She said to everyone as she and Troye weaved through the crowds of people.

Melody and Troye soon found themselves at the end of the line for It's A Small World, and seeing that they were going to have to wait in line for a while, Melody pulled out her camera and started to vlog.

"Hello Everyone, it's ThatGirlMelody along with the fantastic Troye Sivan." Melody chimed.

"Hello again, Everyone." Troye said with a wave,

"We're in line for It's a Small World right now." Melody paused, laughing as Troye clapped his hands together with a high-pitched squeal. "We ditched everyone else already."

"We're too good for them." Troye added.

"Nah, I wouldn't say that!" Melody said, elbowing him lightly. "Oh! The line's moving!"

Melody filmed Troye as he skipped down the line, then turned the camera back on herself. "I've been having a fabulous time.."

Troye stuck his head back into the shot. "So have I."

"Troye, get your ugly face out of my video." She teased, shoving him out of the frame with her free hand.

"Maybe I'll just make my own video!" He said from the side.

Melody rolled her eyes and continued her vlog.

Troye pulled out his phone and started to video Melody. "Look at Melody vlog everyone!" Troye said.

Melody turned her camera on Troye. "Are you vlogging about me vlogging?"

"Are you vlogging about me vlogging about you vlogging?" Troye challenged.

"No, but now I'm vlogging about you vlogging that I was vlogging about you vlogging about me vlogging." She said seamlessly.

"Oh yeah? Well now I'm vlogging that you're vlogging of vlogging and vlogging... Lots of vlogging and... Vlog stuff." Troye said, tongue tied.

Melody cheered. "I win! What do I get? You owe me a coconut macaroon or something."

"Oh, you don't win anything, Mels." He smirked.

"LINE IS MOVING!" Melody announced as she attempted to run in front of him in line.

"No cutting, Melody Spencer." Troye said, shaking a finger.

Melody rolled her eyes. "Well I guess that's all, friends. We're almost next in line!"

Troye popped his head in the shot one more time. "Click on my face if you want to see something sexy."

"I hate you, now I have to put annotations in." She teased. "Bye guys!"


"Honestly, Troye, what were you thinking? That was scary!" Melody said as they exited the ride.

"Oh come on Mels, they're just singing puppets." He teased.

Melody rolled her eyes. "Do you want to get some food?"


They headed towards a little bakery. Troye held the door open for Melody as they walked inside.

After ordering plenty of cookies and Melody's choice of macaroons, they went over to the register to pay.

"I've got it Mels." He said with a grin. "I owed you macaroons, didn't I?"

"I was just joking.." She blushed.

"Nah, you won fair and square." He said, paying for their treats, then helping her take them to an empty table.

Troye pulled out his phone again. "Smile." He said, snapping a picture of Melody as she took a bite of her macaroon.

"Macaroons for two with @MelodySpencer96" he said out loud as he typed the Instagram caption.

"So you found my Instagram?" She chuckled.

"I said I was going to stalk you on the Internet." He winked.


Melody walked with Troye through the park, their fingers barely touching, both of them too awkward to make the first move.

"There you guys are!" Shawna shouted as she ran towards them.

"Hey guys." Melody waved. "Is it time to go?"

Tessa frowned. "Unfortunately."


Back at the convention center, Melody sat at Troye's booth distracting him by taking pictures on his phone and tweeting from his account.

"@MelodySpencer96 Is the most beautiful girl I have ever met. #Swoon" She said as she typed. "And, tweet."

"Give me that," he said laughing, taking his phone back from her.

Melody responded by taking her phone out and writing a tweet of her own.

Troye's phone beeped as he got a reply. "@MelodySpencer96 says "Sorry, @TroyeSivan but it would never work. #creeper" He read.

Troye smirked as he thought up a Clever reply.

"@TroyeSivan says: "I'm sorry everyone, but @MelodySpencer96 is right, I'm a #creeper, which is why I've fallen for someone who is as much as a #stalker as her." Melody read. "Troye! You're the worst!"

He smiled at her. Tomorrow was the last day of Playlist, what was he going to do knowing that he would be in Australia, and her in Canada very soon? Troye told himself the minute he met her that he would not fall for the Canadian beauty, but you don't always get to chose, do you?

Melody smiled back. She would miss Troye the most. She had already gained nearly a few thousand subscribers just from tweeting and Instagramming him back and forth.


Troye walked her back to her hotel room later that night.

"Tomorrow's the last day." He said, looking down.

"Yeah.." Se murmured.

"I'm going to miss you Melody Spencer." He said awkwardly.

Melody reached out to grab his hand. "And I'm going to miss you, Troye Sivan."

"This is really stupid, because in ten years you probably won't remember me, and it's not even like it will be real, and I just need this for me, and it's really selfish but Melody, for one day would you.. Be my girlfriend?" He rambled "Just for one day, and then we go our separate ways, and it won't have even affected us in the long run, and then we'll both agree to break up when we go home, and it's just one day..."

She shut him up by pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "One day..." She whispered. "I think I can do that."

Troye stood there awkwardly, stunned. "Are we going to tell anyone?" He asked her.

"No, I mean not the Internet. No video, no tweets, it's, it's not serious and, your fans.." Melody paused and bit her bottom lip.

"No, I agree, it's best a secret." He said nodding.

Troye leaned in to kiss her again, but panicked and quickly pulled away. "Goodnight, Melody."

"Goodnight, Troye." She said, blushing, and quickly disappeared into her hotel room.


Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who is reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

I still haven't found a good faceclaim, so the cover is subject to change, however I like how it looks for now :3 it took forever to find all the pictures xD

-Kitty xx

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