In Which Melody is on Another Fricking Plane

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Melody kicked her red high-top clad feet back and forth as she stood in line for security, Troye's hand held loosely in hers.

"You know, wouldn't it have been easier for me to meet you in Durban?" She asked casually, adjusting her backpack, which was slung over one shoulder with her free hand.

"Then I would have to ride on the plane without you." He explained.

"Selfish" she scoffed.

"Selfish? I don't think so, Melody Spencer, considering how I'm paying for this whole thing." He teased.

"You're only paying for my tickets. You and your family got free ones, Stupid." She reminded him. "Plus, it's not like you we're just in a big Hollywood movie, or have a YouTube partnership"


"Starbucks!!" Melody chanted as they exited security and made there way to the gates. "To Starbucks we must go!!"

"Hold on Mels, I'm checking the bloody directory!" Troye yelled as she yanked on his hand to drag him through the hall.

"I can Fricking see it Troye!" She argued.

"I don't want to get lost, okay?" He whined.

"Sounds like someone has scarring memory. Were you left in the airport as a child?" Melody teased.

"No, I just watched a lot of the "Home Alone" movies." Troye pouted.

She nudged him playfully before dragging him through the airport towards her beloved Starbucks.


After Melody had her grande cream based frappuchino with two pumps mocha, one pump caramel, two expresso shots, whipped cream and mocha and caramel drizzle on the top, she and Troye sat in the gate as they waited to board the plane.

Troye was telling his sister about the look on the Barista's face when Melody described her complicated order.

"I get it all the time, I don't understand what's so crazy about it." Melody defended.

"How the heck do you handle that much expresso?" Troye asked.

"Hey, I don't usually get two shots expresso. Usually just one." She explained.

"Then why did you get two?"

"It's an eleven hour plane ride. I'm getting two freaking expresso shots."


"I better vlog," Melody thought out loud. "Gotta make at least one video. Vlogs are my memories, in a more objectable form."

She pulled out her heavy camera from her backpack, and turned it on her and Troye.

"Hey guys, it's me that girl Melody, along with Troye Sivan here."

Troye leaned his head on Melody's shoulder, "Hello friends," he said.

"We're in an airport." Melody explained.

"Yaaaaay." They cheered in unison, unenthusiastically.

"We're going to Durban. On an eleven hour plane ride."

"You're going to be with me in a flying metal death can for eleven hours straight, Melody!" Troye squealed.

"Wehhh" she complained. "I have nothing to say to you guys so I'm just going to stop blogging and jump cut when we board."


Melody groaned as they boarded the plane.

"I don't think you know how much I hate planes, Troye"

"I'm sorry I'm flying you out to a movie premiere in an exotic location for free with your gorgeous long-distance boyfriend." He teased.

She smiled, taking the window seat when they found their aisle.

"Time to vlog again." She said, trying to find her camera in her backpack, filled with food, chargers for various devices, the various devices the chargers belong to, (phone, laptop, etc.) and finally her camera.

"Wow, look at that we're on a plane now." Melody said, when she turned on the camera.

"Exciting." Troye added.

"Not really."

"It's kinda exciting."



"Anyway, let's jump cut to the next airport friends, see you in eleven hours."


Troye watched the inflight movie while Melody slept peacefully, her head resting on his shoulder.

He draped his arm around her nervously, knowing that the rest of his family was on this plane somewhere, but then again, what did he care? He was 18, he was a legal adult now, right? Maybe legally he was an adult, but mentally, he was a totally irresponsible kid.

He kissed the top of Melody's head, where her dark brown roots were just barely peeking through the forest of teal. Melody said she didn't touch up her roots very often, and Troye admired that about her. All her "flaws" just made her more of an actual human being. Sure she was an Internet celebrity, but she was more than a pretty face. She hated the titanic movie, and only wears makeup when she's planning on going out, or making a video. She wanted to be a film producer/writer/director ever since she was 14, and was bullied in primary and secondary school for liking poetry more than makeup or clothes. She was an individual human being, and she was his.

A/N: Super short, I apologize. I know it's been forever, but I've been super busy. Once school starts (in eight days for me), it's just going to get more hectic, I apologize so, just hang in there.

I've been getting so much positive feedback from you guys, and this is just a blessing. You guys are so sweet, and it means the world to me!

Forever Yours,
Kitty xxxxxxxxx

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