In Which Jeremy has Some News

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3 Months Later

Jeremy knocked at Melody's door.

Jeremy knocking was never a good sign. If he wanted in Melody's room, he would always just barge in.

"Mmhmm?" She asked.

"Hey Mels?" He asked.

"Yeah?" She replied suspiciously.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"Please continue."

"I got a job offer." He replied.

Currently, Jeremy was working at a small pizzeria in town, although he was an engineering student.

"That's amazing!" Melody exclaimed.

"But it's pretty far away, and I'm not sure if I should take it."

"Where is it?" She asked.

Jeremy chuckled, "Well, Perth."

Her jaw dropped. "We're moving to Perth?!"

"It's possible. Should I take it?"

"Oh my God, Jeremy yes! Why on Earth would you even have to think about this me and Troye could be together and- oh." Melody bit her lip, "Tessa."

"Look, you and Troye have been away from each other too long, but just promise me this, Is it manageable?" He pleaded.

"Is what manageable?"

"The distance. It's been almost a year now you've been dating, and you guys deserve this, but is a long distance relationship really worth it? Can I do it?"

"You and Tessa will make it work." Melody promised, slightly guilty that she was making her brother leave his girlfriend so that she could be with her boyfriend.

"Well then great! We leave in a month!"

"A month!" Melody gaped.

"Better get packing." He said with a wink, before rounding the corner and leaving her room.

Melody immediately grabbed her phone and called Troye.

When he finally picked up, she could tell it was late at night, and he was tired.

"Mels, why are you calling at this-"

"Troye, I'm moving to Perth!" She cut him off.

Troye went silent for a moment, "Wait, what?"

"Jeremy got a job in Perth and we're moving in a month!"

"Melody this is so amazing!"

"I also need to talk to you about something else." She said in a more serious tone.

"Sure, anything."

"Jeremy made a very good point about how we've been dating for almost a year now-" she paused.


"And I think it's time."

"Time for what..." He asked cautiously.

"Time we tell the world."


Author's Note: Yay! Updates are getting more and more frequent as the story draws to a close.

Exactly three chapters left!

Thanks for all the support, your comments make my day!

-Kitty xxxxx

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