In Which Melody is Back Home

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"So how was your weekend?" Jeremy asked suspiciously, while Melody sat on the couch in their den, procrastinating on tumblr.

"Fine." She replied shortly.

"What did you guys do?"

"We hung out."

"Did you make any videos?"


"You're hiding something, Melody Spencer." He accused.

"No, I'm not." She scoffed.

"Give me your laptop." He asserted.

"Lol. No." Not only was the footage from her and Troye's vlogs on her laptop, she just didn't trust her brother with her most prized possession.

"Give it."


"If you're not hiding something, then why won't you give me your laptop?!"

"Because I don't trust you with it, you fumbling baboon!"

Jeremy groaned, walking off into his room, then coming back out with his own laptop.

After typing and clicking around for a bit, he turned the laptop so Melody could see his screen. "Troye Sivan and Melody Spencer at Spud 2 Premiere in South Africa." He read.

"Diddly Darn." Melody mock-cursed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He shouted.

"I thought you wouldn't let me go!" She yelled back.

"Melody, gosh darnit, I'm not your dad! You're your own freaking person and a legal adult!"

"Well I didn't know if you would let me go or not, and I couldn't risk it!"

"Risk what??"

"Risk not seeing Troye!" She blurted, "You don't understand how hard this is. I just..."

"You love him." Jeremy finished, in a softer tone, "Melody, I know you love him. I would've let you go. You deserve to see him, and I know long distance relationships suck, but you can't keep secrets from me. That's what got you here in the first place."

Melody kept her film a secret from their parents. When they sent her to college, she was originally majoring in Business Management, but she fell in love with the film industry and switched her majors secretly. When her parents found out, they were so furious she had kept it a secret that they insisted she move out of the house immediately and un-enrolled her from college. They told her it was impossible to make it in the film industry, but if she could prove she could survive on YouTube videos and small commercial bits alone, then they'd re-enroll her in school. Melody was well on the way to proving them wrong now, but she had now learned everything she needed to know from experience, friends, and the occasional weekend seminar.

"Fine," she grumbled, "I'm sorry I kept a secret from you."

"Thank you, but there's someone else you're keeping a secret from."


"Your fans."

"What?" she spat. "I fill them in on every single second of my mundane life!"

"Except Troye."

"You don't understand what it's like to date a youtuber! We can't just tell people, it'd be a huge scandal."

"You don't think I understand?"

"I know you don't!"

"I'm dating Tessa!" he blurted.

"What?!" she shouted.

"Yeah." he sighed, "I'm dating Tessa."

"Since when?!"

"About a month now.." he smiled .

Melody slapped him. Hard.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed.

"You're dating my best friend and you never thought to inform me of this??"

"I didn't know how you'd respond!" he defended.

"You hypocrite!" She hissed, "You go on an on about how I have to stop keeping secrets from you and YOU'RE BLOODY DATING TESSA!!"

"I'm sorry Mels, I really am."

"Don't 'Mels' me." she jabbed, grabbing her laptop and storming out of the room.

She grabbed her phone and called Tessa, but got voicemail, so she decided to call Troye.

"Hey Mels," his sleepy voice answered, Melody forgetting about the time difference.

"Jeremy's dating Tessa."

"What?" he asked, confused.

"My brother, Jeremy Spencer, and Meekakitty, Tessa Violet, have been dating for A MONTH."

"Woah, woah, woah."

"And he didn't tell me!"

"I'm sorry, Mels."

Melody sighed, "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's okay."

"I just needed someone to talk to, and you're really the only person here for me anymore."

"I know."

"I'll let you get back to sleep."

"I love you, Mels."

"I love you too, Troye."



Trying a new mostly dialogue format for this chapter. Tell me what you think!

Thanks for your views, votes and comments!

-Kitty xxx

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