Best Job Ever

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Today is the best day ever. I'm working on The Walking Dead and my character becomes really close with Rick. I get to work with my celebrity crush, Andrew Lincoln.

We start filming the scene when Rick and my character first meet. I'm so excited. They meet in Alexandria at Deanna's house during the party.

I'm in my trailer getting ready and hear someone knocking at my door. "Come in." I said. I hear the door open and turn around and see him. Those gorgeous blue eyes I love so much. Andrew Lincoln.

"Hi." He said. "I'm Andy. You're Y/N, right?" He asked.

Oh my god, his voice sounds even more amazing in real life. His eyes are so beautiful and blue.

I nodded my head because I was so shocked he was in my trailer talking to me. We shook hands. Holy crap I'm touching his hand. Ok just calm down and act professional.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N." He said.

"It's nice to meet you, too." I finally said. "I'm a big fan." I said blushing.

He chuckles. "Well, since we are doing some scenes together I just wanted to meet you." He said. "I heard a lot of great things about you and I look forward to working with you."

I start blushing again.

"Well, I look forward to working with you, too." I said.

"Alright, well I'll let you finish getting ready and see you later." He said, exiting my trailer.

Did that just happen?


We are about to do our first scene together. Rick is supposed to come through the door and I'm supposed to stand inside next to Deanna and Reg.

"Action!" Yelled the director.

(Y/C means your character)

Y/C: Have any of the new comers arrived here yet?

Deanna: Not yet. But, they should be here any minute now.

Rick, Carl, and Judith enter.

Deanna: Here they are!

Holy crap! Andy looks so handsome....ok focus Y/N!!

Carl walks over to Ron and hangs out with him.

Deanna: Rick, this is my husband, Reg. And this is our good friend, Y/C.

Reg shakes Rick's hand.

Reg: Nice to meet you, Rick.

I shook Rick's hand.

Y/C: Hi, Rick.

Rick: Hi.

He couldn't take his eyes off of me.

Deanna: I'll let you guys talk. Reg, come with me.

Deanna and Reg leave. It's just me, Rick, and Judith. Judith had both her arms out to me. Rick chuckles.

Rick: I think she wants to meet you too. Wanna hold her?

Y/C: Sure. What's her name?

Rick hands her to me.

Rick: Judith. And that's my son, Carl over there.

Y/C: She's adorable.

Judith giggles and grabs my hair. Rick still couldn't stop looking at me.

Y/C: So how do you like it here?

Rick sighs.

Rick: Well, it's nice. And it's safe. But...

Y/C: But what? It's ok, Rick. You can tell me.

Rick sighs again and looks down at his feet.

Y/C: Is it because you think the people here don't know what they are doing?

He looks back up at me.

Y/C: That's how I feel too.

Rick: How long have you been here?

Y/C: 2 months. But, I knew Deanna and Reg before. They were friends with my parents. I don't like how they are running things here, but I've been keeping quiet about it.

Rick looks deep into my eyes. Judith starts getting fussing so I hand her back to Rick. My hand touches his arm by accident. Our faces were close and we almost kissed.

"I should probably go." I said. "It was nice meeting you, Rick."

I turn around to leave but turn back around at Rick.

"See you around."

"Cut!" Yelled the director.

"Wow, that was amazing." Andy said.

I bet my face is so red right now.

"You're really good at acting, Y/N." He said.

"Thanks." I said. "So are you."


I go in my trailer to change in my regular clothes. I kept replaying that scene we did. I know it's obvious that he didn't feel anything. He's really professional when it comes to acting. But still, he looked so amazing in his outfit and was so cute holding the baby playing Judith. And God, his lips looked irresistible!!! Ugh, what is wrong with me? We work together.

Someone knocks on my trailer. I open it. It was Andy.

"Hey." I said.

He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me.

"Andy, are you ok--" he cuts me off by kissing me.

His kiss was full of passion and I didn't want it to stop.

I can't believe this right now. I'm kissing Andrew Lincoln...


Hey guys! How did you like this imagine?
I'm gonna be updating every Friday
Luv u guys! Byee!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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