Revealed Feelings Part 1

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(Btw this imagine takes place when Andy and the reader are in high school...enjoy!)

I was sitting in my room, listening to music and then I get a text message. It was from my boyfriend, Will

Will: Hey.

Y/N: Hey babe! What's up?

Will: Well there's something you should know. It's not working out and I wanna break up.

Once I saw his text I couldn't believe it. I decided to call him. He answered.

"Umm..hey" he said.

I started crying.

"Please tell me this is a joke." I said.

He sighs.

"No." He said. "It's not a joke."

In the background I heard giggling.

"Will!" A girls voice said. "Where are you, baby?"

"Are you seriously with another girl?!" I yelled.

"Look, Y/N it's over, alright?" Will said. "Good bye."

He hung up. I collapsed on my bed crying. I was like this for about 5 minutes until I heard tapping on my window. Crap! I completely forgot. It's Friday which means my best friend Andy is supposed to be coming over to hang out. It's what we do every Friday. He always climbs through my bedroom window because he thinks it's more fun than coming through the door. I quickly wipe my tears and open my curtains. I see him through the window and he smiles but then it quickly fades when he sees me. I turn around to look in my mirror and I see that I have raccoon eyes. I turn back around and open my window to let Andy in.

"Hey." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

I grab a tissue to wipe my smudged eye make up.

"Nothing." I said. "I'm fine."

I started getting upset again and then I started crying again. Andy walks towards me and hugs me.

"Will dumped me." I said.

"What did that idiot do?" He asked.

Andy has been my friend since 6th grade and he always knows how to cheer me up. Sometimes it's his hugs. Sometimes it's just talking to get my mind off of whatever I'm upset about. And sometimes it's just being with him because he's such a good friend. Andy and I sit on the bed and he puts his arm around me and rubs my back.

"He texted me saying he wants to break up and.."

"Wait a minute, he texted you?!" He asked.

"Yeah...and then I called him because I thought he was joking." I said. "And when I called him I heard a girl's voice in the background." 

I sighed.

"I hate that guy." Andy said.

"Yeah, I can't believe he would do that." I said.

"No I mean I've always hated him." He said. "Even when you guys were dating, I had no idea what you saw in him."

"Why?" I asked.

Andy sighs.

"Because I think you deserve better." He said.

I smiled. Andy is really the only person I can really count on. He's so sweet and nice. I can't believe he isn't dating anyone. I know a lot of girls who have crushes on him and they always want me to ask him out for them because I know him well. But, every time I ask him about a girl, he says no. I guess he's just really picky...I don't know.

"Can I punch Will for hurting you?" He asked.

I chuckled.

"No, I don't wanna think about him anymore." I said. "Let's just talk about something else."

"Ok, like what?" He asked.

"Well, you said you and Lily went to the movies the other night," I said. "How did it go?"

He shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know." He said. "Lily, is nice and very pretty but she's just not the kinda girl I want."

I nodded.

"So you don't like girls who are nice and pretty?" I asked, while chuckling.

"No." He said smiling. "There is this one girl I like."

I gasped. Andy likes someone! Finally!

"Well, who is it?" I asked. "Give me details!"

"It doesn't matter." He said, shaking his head. "She just wants to be friends."

"Have you talked to her about this?" I asked.

"No, because I know she won't wanna date me."

"You will never know unless you try, Andy." I said.

He looks at me and nods.


The next day, I was still upset about Will so decided to take my mind of things by watching my favorite movie, Juno and eating ice cream. Pretty fun Saturday, huh?

Then my phone starts ringing. It's Andy so I pause the movie and answer.

"Hello?" I said.

There was no answer.

"Andy?" I asked.

I heard a lot of shuffling and that's when I figured he probably butt dialed me. I was about to hang up but then I heard Andy talking.

"I don't know what to do, Norman." Andy says.

"Dude, just grow some balls and ask her out." The other voice, I'm assuming it's Norman said. They must be talking about the girl Andy likes. I hate eavesdropping but I'm curious.

"You like her, right?" Norman asked.

"No, I don't just like her." Andy said. "I love her. I'm so in love with her, it hurts when I'm not around her."

Man, Andy has got it bad. Who is this girl?

"You gotta tell her man." Norman said.

"I don't even know how I'll tell Y/N anyway." Andy said.

What?....He just said my name....Andy loves me?

I was so shocked I hung up the phone. What should I do? Should I talk to Andy about this? Or pretend I never heard anything?

I'm making this into 2 parts!
Part 2 will be up next Friday :)
See ya then!
Luv guys! Byee!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

Andrew Lincoln/Rick Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now