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(This idea was given to me by AndrewLincolnsWife thank you so much and I  hope you enjoy this 💖)

Today is very stressful. My dog, Henry is gone. He ran away and I don't know where he went. I looked for him at all the usual places he would be. Usually when I open his food he immediately comes. I'm really worried. I started making lost dog flyers and my friend Kelly was helping me.

"Don't worry." She said. "Someone will find him and bring him back to you."

I sighed. Usually Kelly always makes me feel better but this doesn't help.

"You don't understand, Kelly." I said holding back my tears. "Henry is all I have left of Chloe. I can't lose him too."

Chloe was my twin sister. She died in a car accident last year. No ones fault. Just a horrible, tragic accident. At the hospital she was still alive and she spend her last moments with me. I will never forget the last thing she said to me.

"Y/N, I'm not gonna make it." She whispered.

I grabbed her hand.

"Don't say that, Chloe." I said. "You're gonna be ok. Soon you're gonna come back home and it will be you, me, and Henry together again."

Chloe smiled at me.

"I love you so much, Y/N." She said. "Tell Henry I love him and I will miss him."


"I need you to take care of him." Chloe said. "He is gonna need you now more than ever. Can you do that?"

"But, Chloe you're not gonna-"

"Just promise me, please." She cut me off.

Tears ran down my face. She can't die. She's my twin sister.

"I promise." I said.

"Good." She said. "And I just want you to know that everything will be ok."

I was so confused at what she was saying. She's not supposed to die. Why would she be talking like this?

"I'm getting tired now. I should rest." Chloe said.

"I'll be here when you wake up." I said.

"I love you, Y/N." She said.

"I love you too, Chloe."

She went to sleep. But then 10 minutes later her monitor was beeping like crazy.

"Chloe?!" I yelled. "Oh my god someone help please!"

Nurses came in. They started reviving her. Nothing was working and they stopped.

"Why did you stop?!" I asked.

One of the nurses shook her head.

"I'm so sorry, miss." She said.

Everything was a blur after that. I cried so much and tuned everything out.

Chloe bought Henry at an animal shelter after we graduated high school and got an apartment together. Henry loved us both equally but he was just as sad as I was after Chloe died. It kinda bonded us together even more I guess.

I started to cry thinking about my sister and Kelly started hugging me.

"Don't worry." She said. "I know it's hard but he's gonna come back."

Then I heard someone knocking on the door. I wiped away my tears.

"I'll get it."

I opened the door and saw a very handsome with brown curly hair and the most bluest eyes I've ever seen. Not just any blue. Like ocean blue. I couldn't drown in those eyes...damn...oh god Y/N focus!

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes actually." He said.

He's British too?! Y/N focus ugh!!

"Is this your dog?" He asked.

I looked down and saw Henry.

"Oh my god yes! Henry! You found him!" I said.

Henry came to me and started licking my face. I was so happy.

"Thank you so much!" I said. "Where did you find him?"

"I saw him in my front yard and I read his tags and I wanted to bring him back as soon as possible." He said. "He looked thirsty so I gave him some water before we got here."

I smiled at him.

"Well, thank you so much." I said. "I was really worried."

"No problem." He said. "Take care."

He starts walking away but I stop him.

"Hey wait!" I said.

He turns around.

"How about I make you dinner." I said. "I mean, you found my dog so it's the least I could do."

He smiles.

"Sure." He said. "When?"

"How about tomorrow night?" I suggested.

"It's a date then." He said.

"Oh I don't think I got your name." I said chuckling.

"Andrew." He said. "And yours?"

"Y/N." I said.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N." He said.

For some reason I was really excited to see him again. I don't know why. After he left I took Henry inside.

"Who was that?" Kelly asked.

"We're not gonna be needed those flyers after all." I said.

Hey guys! Thanks AndrewLincolnsWife for this idea! You're a genius girl! 😊 (I might make this into two parts I haven't decided yet)

If any one has ideas feel free to let me know...I'm not good at writing smut so if that's what you want...I'm sorry...I like reading smut but writing it is different...but still feel free to write some ideas. Luv you guys! Byee!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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