Thank You

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This week has been horrible. Rick's wife, Lori died. She had a beautiful baby girl but didn't survive. Rick hasn't been the same since. Who could blame him? He loved her. Even when he found out about what happened between her and Shane he still loved her. Me and Lori were never good at getting along with each other but she didn't deserve to die.

Rick is barely in the prison anymore. He hasn't even held his new daughter yet. He's usually outside the fences walking around.

I was helping Beth feed the baby. She hasn't gotten a name yet. I looked over and saw Carl sitting alone and not talking. I can't imagine how he's taking this. I gotta do something.


I walked outside to the field of the prison. I looked around the fences to find Rick. I finally see him outside staring into space. I walk closer to the fence. He looked horrible. He obviously hasn't slept since it happened.

"Rick?" I said.

He looks at me. But, he doesn't respond.

"Hey Rick, how about we go back inside." I suggested.

"I can't." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

He doesn't answer.

"Rick, you shouldn't be out here." I said. "What are you doing?"

He sighs. "I've been...I've got...stuff...out here." He says.

"What you do you mean?" I asked. "Maybe I can help you."

He walks up closer to the fence and leans on it. I see tears rolling down his face and he quickly tries to wipe them.

"I saw something." He said. "I saw Lori."

Now his tears won't stop so he turns around.

"You should just go." He said.

"Rick, I'm not going anywhere." I said. "You need someone to talk about this and if you can't do that yet then at least go back inside and get some rest."

His back is still turned to me. I hear him crying this time. I quickly run to the gate and go out where Rick was. Once I get there he is sitting on the ground this time. He stop crying but tears were still in his eyes. I sit next next to him. I brush some hair out of his face.

"I failed her." He said.

"No you didn't." I said. "You and you're kids are still here. She would want you to protect them no matter what. You haven't failed her, Rick."

He looks at me and sighs.

"You wanna go back inside now?" I asked.

He nods his head. I help him get to the prison. He needed to get some sleep, so I took him to his cell.


The next day, Rick looked a lot better. He had cleaner clothes on and didn't look so exhausted. Everyone was in the kitchen, so Rick came to join us. He noticed Hershel was holding the baby. He walked over to him and Hershel handed her to Rick. When he was holding her, I saw the look on his face. He was crying but not like before. They were happy tears. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead.


Later that night, everyone was asleep except for me and Rick. He just finished putting her to bed. No one has thought of a name for her yet. Daryl thought of Lil Asskicker which is ridiculous but also adorable. I was about to get ready for bed when Rick walked in my cell.

"Hey." I said. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." He said.

I smiled. Rick walks over to me and sits next to me.

"Me and Carl now know what to call her." Rick says.

"What?" I asked.


I smiled. "I like that."

It good seeing Rick happy again. He looks at me and sees me smiling.

"What?" Rick asked.

"Nothing." I said. "It's just really nice to see you better." I started blushing.

"It's because of you." He said. "I never thanked you for that."

"Rick, you don't need to thank me." I said. "You would've done the same if it was me or anyone in the group."

He looks deep into my eyes and moves my hair behind my ear. He leans in and I thought he was gonna kiss me but he just hugs me.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Anytime." I said back.

My first Rick imagine!!!
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Luv u guys! Byee!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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