We'll Be Safe

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Rick was sleeping. He looks so peaceful after everything that happened. Him and Pete were fighting. Rick found out he was abusing his wife, Jessie and he had to stop it. Things got out of control and they started fighting. After Deanna stopped them, Rick took his gun out and was saying how everyone in this place was weak. He's not wrong. They need to learn how to survive and we can help them. But Rick shouldn't have handled it that way. Later Michonne was able to knock him out. I'm glad she did that. He could've made things worse than they already were. And now Deanna wants to have a meeting tonight. She's gonna have everyone talk about how they feel and she's gonna decide to kick Rick out or not. They can't kick him out. If Rick leaves we all leave and we can't go back out there. We have Carl and Judith. They need a safe place to live.

And another thing happened last night. I found out I'm pregnant. Before the apocalypse happened I always wanted to have a baby. And to find out I'm having one with the man I love is amazing. Maybe if we tell Deanna I'm pregnant she won't make him leave. But what if the same thing that happened to Lori will happen to me? Rick doesn't deserve to go through that again.

I look at my sleepy husband. He has bandages all over his face from fighting Pete. I brush some hair out of his face. He stirred a little after I did that. He's waking up now. That's good.

He finally opens his beautiful blue eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I said.

"Hey." He said. "How long was I out?"

"All night." I said. "Michonne knocked you out."

Rick chuckles a little and sits up.

"Yeah I deserved it." He said.

"Well, you did take it too far." I said. "Things could've ended up a lot worse yesterday."

"I'm not sorry that I said it." Rick said. "They need to know."

"I know." I said. "I agree with you."

I sighed. I should tell him about the meeting and I'm pregnant. Meeting first.

"There's something you need to know." I said.

"What happened now?" He asked.

"Well, after everything that happened Deanna said she wants to have a meeting tonight." I said. "To decide whether or not to kick you out."

Rick sighs.

"What will happen if they kick you out?" I asked. "You can't leave your kids and me but we won't be safe if we all go."

Rick takes my hand.

"I know you love Carl and Judith." He said. "And I know you will do anything protect them."

"Rick, what are you saying?" I asked.

"If they do want me out, Carl and Judith are gonna need you now more than ever." He said.

I started crying.

"No." I said in tears.

Rick puts his arms around me and hugs me. This can't happen. I need to tell him.

"No, Rick we can't do that." I said.

"Yes we can." He said. "I don't want to do this either but we have to keep the kids safe. I hate that I gotta be apart from you and them."

He kisses me.

"Shh...don't cry, baby." He said. "Everything will be ok."

"No it won't." I said.

"Why do you keep saying that?" He asked.

"Because I'm pregnant." I said crying harder.

He looks at me with wide eyes.

"You're what?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said. "I found out last night. I didn't want it to happen but it did. I'm so sorry, Rick. I can't lose you. I love you so much, it hurts when I'm not with you. And if Deanna kicks you out, it's gonna hurt even worse."

He wipes my tears away and kisses my cheek.

"Maybe we can talk to Deanna." He said. "We can make this work. If we tell Deanna before the meeting maybe she'll change her mind and cancel."

"But Rick.." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm scared." I said. "What if I die from this pregnancy? I can't let you go through that again. You barely came back after Lori."

"I won't let that happen." He said. "Let's just go talk to Deanna and see if she'll change her mind."

"I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too, Y/N." He said.

He kisses me and then kisses my stomach.

"And I love you, little one." He said to the baby.

Our baby...

Hey guys! I really enjoyed making this imagine! So cute! Did you guys like it? Comment what you think. Also I love to hear ideas from you all if you have any. Luv u guys! Byee!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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