Henry Part 2

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(Here's part 2 of Henry AndrewLincolnsWife hope u like it)

I was getting everything ready. Andrew was coming over tonight. I was making spaghetti. I was nervous about making it because every time I do, I end up burning it. But it didn't burn this time. Henry was acting all excited all of the sudden.

"What's gotten into you, Henry?" I asked him.

I haven't seen him this excited in a long time. Maybe it's because Andrew is coming over. I chuckled and got dressed while the food was cooking. I decided to wear nice clothes that were casual but not too casual. I did my make up and wore my hair down. After I got everything done, I heard my door knocking. Henry runs to the door.

I open it and see Andrew. He looks so handsome. Henry jumped up and licked Andrews face.

"Oh Henry." I said. "I'm sorry about that."

"Oh no, don't be." He said. "I love dogs. And I can see he feels the same way."

I chuckled.

"Come on in." I said.

"Something smells good." He said. "Is that spaghetti?"

"It is." I said.

I hand him a wet towel so he can clean up Henry's dog saliva off of him.

"Thanks." He said while chuckling.

"No problem. You want some wine?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

"Ok, I'll be right back you can just make yourself comfortable."

I leave the room to the kitchen and get the wine. I grab the bottle and two glasses. When I come back I see Andy on the couch and Henry is sitting next to him. They looked so adorable. I join them and see that Andrew is looking at one of my pictures in my coffee table. It was a picture of me, Chloe, and Henry when we first got him. I don't look at him looking at it and I just pour the wine in the glasses.

"I like this picture." he said. "And I'm guessing you have a twin?"

I sipped my wine. Should I tell him about my past already? I mean I thought this was just a thank you dinner. Not a date. I was about to answer but then the timer went off before I could. Thank God.

"Dinner's ready." I said.

Andrew sits at the table and I hand him his plate of spaghetti with garlic bread and his glass of wine. Andrew takes a bite.

"Mmm...this is really really good." He said.

"Thank you." I said. "I'm surprised it turned out this good. Normally, this would turn into burned spaghetti."

Henry walks over to us. He is holding the picture of me, Chloe, and him in his mouth.

"I'll be right back." I said.

I take the picture and put it back on the coffee table. Then I sit back down with Andy.

"So you never answered my question from before." He said.

Oh god, I was hoping he forgot about that.

"What question?" I asked.

"You have a twin?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." He said.

I sighed.

"I did have a twin." I said.

"Did?" He asked.

"She died."

"Oh, Y/N I'm so sorry." He said. "I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's ok." I said.

He put his hand on mine and held it. I noticed it was getting late.

"I should probably go. It's pretty late." He said. "This isn't the last time we'll see each other, right?"

"I hope not." I said.

He looks into my eyes and smiles. He gently cups my face and kisses me.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight." I said back.

After he leaves I lean on the door and sigh in awe of what just happened. Then I see Henry standing in his hind legs and doing a little dance.

"Is that why you have been so excited?" I asked. "You like Andrew?"

He jumps up and down and barks. I've heard that dogs are best judges of character.

Wasn't this adorable? What did you guys think? I love hearing feedback and if you have any ideas don't be shy. Luv u guys! Byee!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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