Chapter 1

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[Evan's pov]

Right now I was sitting in the nurses office no you got the wrong idea I'm not hurt at all even though I'm gay no body messes with me. Since I'm part dragon everybody is scared of me setting them on fire or of me throwing them into a wall. Simple I'm here because my best friend Angel passed out for some unknown reason. Literally we were walking in the hall way and all of a sudden she passed out of course I caught her but she still passed out on me. I was like what just happened then I just carried her into the nurses office.

'' So will she be okay Nurse Ashley?'' I asked curiously.

'' I believe so but has she been getting any sleep lately?'' the nurse asked me.

'' I honestly don't know but I do know she stays up on certain days because of nightmares and migraines'' I told the nurse truthfully.

'' So it seems well make sure she rest well today because it looks as if she hasn't been getting any rest'' the nurse tells me.

'' Okay I'll make sure she gets some sleep'' I say honestly.

The nurse believes me and lets Angel leave I looked at her with crossed arms.

'' So you haven't been sleeping well at all have you?'' I asked her.

'' Honestly no it's the stupid nightmares they keep happening'' She said to me.

'' Tell me about it maybe that will ease them'' I suggest to her.

'' Well in all of them I'm in a dark room and there is nobody inside the room so I look around the room then this demon appears and lunges at me it literally tears me to shreds and all I see is blood on the floor. I hear screams of terror and they are coming from me then I wake up sweating and in pain'' She tells me.

'' Well it's just a dream... but then again it happens every day... I'm not sure what you should do'' I told her.

'' It's hard to sleep when all i keep seeing that same nightmare'' She said.

I felt bad because she couldn't rest and it was all because of this nightmare that kept her awake. I hugged her softly to let her know that I'm here for her.

'' Come over today maybe you'll sleep better at my place'' I said.

She agreed and we got our bags and went to Angel's house to pick up her clothes and brushes along with things she needed. When she had everything she needed we went to my house and Angel laid on my couch.

'' Your couch is very soft and warm'' I heard her say.

'' Well now you should be able to rest well today'' I said.

I didn't hear a response so I turned to see her fast asleep on my couch. Again with the not eating I frowned but let her have her rest she needed it. I'll feed her in the morning when she's wide awake and when she can actually eat.

I went to my room and got ready to fall asleep hoping that Angel didn't have another nightmare.


I woke up to the loudest scream I have ever heard I ran downstairs to see Angel awake and terrified. I looked at her and hugged her until she stopped shaking.

'' Do you feel better?'' I asked her.

'' Yea thank you'' she said.

'' Anytime Angel'' I said.

I stood by her side until she got tired and fell back asleep. I fell asleep right beside her to make sure she slept well. Right now I think she will rest well.

hey that's all for you now i'll update more tomorrow.

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