Chapter 14

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Evan's pov

Axel was talking to his girlfriend Ashley when I came to the hospital Ethan somehow made it first.

''Hey were is Ash'' Kyle asked Axel.

''He's in his own hospital bed apparently while he was out he was getting jumped not like you would care'' Axel said glaring at Kyle.

''I do care'' Kyle said.

''Oh yea since when'' Axel said.

''Please stop it you two'' Ashley said.

''Telling Axel to stop is like trying to swim away from thousands of hungry sharks'' I said.

''Shut up Evan anyway Angel is being set free today and so is Ash'' Axel said.

Angel and Ash came out of their hospital beds and Ash looked at Axel.

''Can't believe you made me rest here'' He said.

''Well I wanted to make sure you were okay'' Axel said.

''I told you I was fine!!!'' Ash yelled.

''You weren't fine Ash!'' Axel said.

Are they really fighting? This is the first time I have ever seen them fight.

''I was fine I don't need your help!!'' Ash said.

''You did need my help can I at least get a thank you!'' Axel said.

I started to laugh because this reminded me of the relationship I had with Angel she helps me out I be mean to her and so on.

''Why are you laughing?'' Ethan asked me.

''So Angel gets her kindness from Axel I honestly can't believe that Axel is nice and besides that this argument reminds me of the arguments I have with Angel'' I said.

Ash and Axel blushed in embarrassment they looked away and mumbled under their breath I laughed even more and watched as their faces got redder.

''Shut up Evan'' Axel said.

''I will hey Angel are you feeling okay'' I asked Angel.

''Yea I'm feeling fine'' She said.

''Axel thank you for making sure I was okay'' Ash said.

Axel smiled and I was shocked he saw my face and walked out of the hospital Ashley followed after him.

''Angel are you ready to go back home?''Ash asked her.

''Sure what about you Seth?'' She turned to Ethan and asked him

''Yea'' He said with a grin.

''Um Angel can you stay here with me'' I asked her.

''Um?'' She said.

''Angel if you stay here I will to I'll just stay with Axel'' Ash said.

''I wanna go back home and stay with Seth'' She said.

''Will you come back?''I asked her.

''Maybe but I think our friendship should be on hold until I come back I mean you hurt me a lot and it's only been a day of me being here'' She said.

''Okay sure'' I said.

Ash held Angel's hand and they walked to his car getting ready to leave again and Ethan followed right them and waved goodbye to me. I stuck out the middle finger at him and he winked at me.

''Bye Evan see you whenever'' Angel said to me.

Then they drove off and I felt really angry because I didn't want Ethan winning her heart all over again. I was still pissed that I was the only one that knows about Seth being Ethan and I couldn't tell Angel about it or else I would have to deal with a lot of things that Ethan may have caused. He could transform into me whenever he wanted to so if he was to transform into me and do something bad to Angel she would think that it was me when it wasn't. Well I will just have to wait until she returns from her new town which could take a long time for all I know. I could tell Eve was angry because he wasn't even trying to talk to me maybe when she returns he will talk to me again I just hope I don't feel lonely again.

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