Chapter 12

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Angel's pov

For the past few months I have been getting close with Seth he was nice and he always listened to what I had to say. Ash always had to work so he left me alone with Seth a lot and he used that time to teach me how to draw. Sometimes when I didn't feel like drawing I watched him draw the first day we met I told him how my friends treated me I made sure not to tell him how Evan was. I didn't think he would eventually ask me how Evan would treat me until today.

''Angel how did Evan treat you'' Seth asked me.

''Well sometimes he was nice other times he was really mean but I don't dwell on that he was and still is my best friend'' I told him.

''What about me?'' Seth asked putting a hand on in chest like I stabbed him.

I laughed and said ''You are my best friend to'' 

''Ya I knew it'' He said with a smile on his face.

''You're so silly Seth'' I said

''Yea I know that'' He said and hugged me from behind.

''What are you up to now?'' I asked.

''Nothing but I can tell you're sad right now so I wanted to comfort you'' He said.

''Well Seth can you drive?'' I asked.

''Yes'' He said.

''Can I introduce you to my friends?'' I asked.

''You want me to drive you back to your friends'' Seth said.

''Yea'' I said.

He sighed and called my brother he told me that Ash said it was fine so Seth took me home using Ash's car. When we got to my old house Seth parked and I pulled him out and dragged him to Kyle's place. I knocked on the door and Kyle came out at first he was in shock and then he hugged me.He threw me in the air and spun me around I was laughing like crazy and Seth stood there watching us.

''I missed you so much and I'm not the only one'' Kyle said.

''Kyle meet Seth he is now part of our crew'' I said.

''Wow Seth you just got the honor of being in our crew be proud Loser'' Kyle said.

''Yea I'll always be proud to be a loser'' Seth said and that made me and Kyle laugh.

''Welcome to the crew'' Kyle said and I watched as Carmen and Rex walked up to me and attacked me in a bear hug.

''I'm being murdered help me Seth'' I said.

Instead of helping me he joined in and I laughed more.

''So this is the fresh meat do I get to beat him up'' Rex said.

''No he is to cool to lose'' I said.

''Angel you should go see Evan'' Carmen said.

''Okay I will Seth you wanna come with?'' I asked Seth.

''I'm going to come if anything happens and I'm not there Ash will murder me'' I heard Seth say.

I laughed and raced him to Evan's place. When we got there I felt a lot of anger coming from inside. I opened the door and Seth followed right behind me the living room looked all burnt what if Evan transformed into a dragon while I was gone. I walked towards his room and opened the door slowly I saw nothing on his bed. I walked further inside and saw Evan curled up on the floor it looked like he was in pain.

''Angel you didn't tell me your friend was a hybrid'' Seth said.

''He isn't'' I said confused.

''He is a hybrid he is part dragon part demon and part vampire you telling me that's not a hybrid'' Seth said.

''I didn't sense it'' I said.

''He isn't even human but he can transform into one it's a dragon instinct'' Seth explained.

I walked towards Evan and remembered how Ethan used to feed from me he told me that Evan wasn't a vampire and that he couldn't be useless someone turned him.

''Evan?'' I asked. 

He looked up at me his eyes bright red.

''Angel we should go I don't think he has control if he feeds from you he will kill you'' Seth said from behind me.

''Someone turned him Seth'' I said.

''Maybe an ex-girlfriend'' He responded.

''Evan who turned you?'' I asked.

''Alex'' was all Evan said then he curled up more.

I looked at him and he looked at me with his red eyes.

''Angel don't give him your blood'' Seth warned me.

''Why not?'' I asked him.

''Even if it doesn't kill you your blood will change him'' 

''Into what''

''A monster what else''

''Ethan didn't turn into a monster''

''Evan needs to die'' 


Seth picked up a sword from the floor of Evan's room and threw it at him I jumped in the way and the sword went through my stomach blood instantly came out of the wound the last thing I saw was Evan getting up off the ground. Then all I saw was black.

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