Chapter 16

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Angel's pov.

I woke up feeling weak and sick it is probably because of all that cleaning we did yesterday. I got out of bed since I know Seth will be coming early. As I walked downstairs I saw Evan sleeping on the couch peacefully I smiled because he look like a child sleeping curled up in a ball like that. As I took the first step downstairs I realized that my legs were hurting a lot more then I thought they were and I fell down the rest of the stairs. Evan instantly woke up and walked towards me.

''Are you okay?'' Evan asked me with wide eyes.

''Yea...'' I said and stood up ''Ow ow ow''

''Idiot you are not okay'' He said and carried me to the couch to see if I was okay.

''Evan I'm fine'' I said.

''You couldn't even stand so shush up and let me check for broken bones'' He said.

I looked at him and giggled finding him really adorable at the moment.

''Seems to be that you grew up a little'' I told him.

He looked at me with wide eyes and smiled ''I guess losing a person dear to you can make you grow up''

''Yea I believe that will do it'' I replied. ''Hey Evan your eyes look cool I like it''

''Oh being part vampire can change the color I believe'' Evan told me.

'' They look green and red it is freaking cool'' I said to him with pure honesty.

Evan and I heard a knock on the door and he got up to open it.

''Seth is here'' I heard him say.

''Hey Angel I am really grateful that you are letting me stay'' Seth said.

''No problem Seth'' I said.

''Hey I brought my guitar over is that okay?'' he asked.

''Hell yes'' I answered.

Evan's pov.

I watched as Angel's eyes sparkled when hearing the word guitar seems to be that Seth/Ethan has been playing her guitar for two years.

''Hey Angel would you like to go somewhere?'' I asked.

''Yea I would love that Seth would you like to come?'' She asked Seth.

''Sure why not when are we going?'' Seth asked me.

''Tomorrow for today we should all go out for dinner I'll invite Kyle, Carmen. and Rex'' I said.

''Okay I'll get dressed'' Angel said and ran upstairs with a box full of clothes.

I took out my cell phone and called Carmen, Kyle, and Rex inviting them to go out as a celebration of Angel's return. They agreed with me and chose to go to a restaurant I decided to pay for everything. I hung up on them and went to my house to get dressed once I was in a tuxedo looking fancy and fly as fuck I drove back to Angel's house. Seth was dressed in a cool way but not like me Angel was wearing a white dress and she put her hair into a pony tail.

''Can we invite Axel and Ash'' Angel asked me.

I nodded my head and she called them and they agreed to come as well. I drove to Kyle's house to pick up Kyle,Carmen, and Rex.

''Yea let's get this party started'' Rex said.

''No hitting on the waitress'' I told him.

He smiled and said, ''No promises''

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