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I sit on the beach, watching heavy waves crash directly onto the shore. It's peaceful, and god knows I need peace right now. Suddenly, I hear a loud voice, that sounds like a young boy shouting something, but I can't understand what he would be shouting, or at who. I freeze for a second before yelling back at him.

"Who's there?" I shout into the distance of the beach.

"I'm Steven!" The voice responds. A bit far from where I am, I can make out the shape of a short person with curly hair and a red t-shirt.

"What? Who's Steven?" I question further.

The person runs up closer to me.

"Hi! My name is Steven!" He announces, a cheery tone in his voice.

"Oh. Hi, my name is Y/N." I reply. "Did you just run here all the way from the city?"

"Oh, no! I live over there!" He informs me with a slight laugh, pointing behind me at what seems to be a giant sculpture of a woman, nearly the size of a small mountain. How didn't I realize that walking here? Must be a plot device. "Do you wanna come meet my friends? We save the world and junk."

"Wh--" I attempt to speak as I get dragged along by Steven.

We arrive at a little house on the gigantic stone sculpture. "Who's this?" Asks a girl with pure white skin and spiky coral hair. She has a weird bump protruding from her forehead.

"This is Y/N!" Steven says. His optimistic tone seems to never fade. "They were sitting on the beach alone, so I decided to go talk to them!"

"Why are they here?" Says a cube-haired woman, the cube hair black and accompanied by literally red skin. She has two similar bumps on her hands but different looking. Almost like carved gemstones.

"Oh yeah! I was going to introduce you!" Steven reminds himself. "This is Pearl," He points to the girl with white skin. "This is Garnet," he points to the cube girl. "And this is Amethyst." he points to a very purple girl with nearly white hair.

"'Sup?" Amethyst asks

"Is that a-" I say, tempted to touch the odd bump on Pearl's forehead.

"Hands off!" She says as she smacks my hand away. "It is a gemstone. But don't touch it! Steven, why did you bring a human into the house?"

"Oh, um... I was bored?" Steven shrugs.

I start looking at Pearl while they're talking, and not really paying attention to what they're saying. Suddenly Pearl looks at me and I don't know what everyone was talking about.

"Y/N?" Pearl nabbed my attention.

"Oh! Uh... Um... What?" I replied.

"Are you staying nearby tonight?" Mrs. Cuber McCuberson, I mean Garnet, responds.

"Um.. no, not really"

"Well it's getting late. I wouldn't recommend going out now if you're walking." Pearl notifies me.

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Steven nearly shouts. "We have extra space, right? They can stay here!"

"What? No they can't, Steven!" Pearl tries to stop him.

"No Pearl, they can." Adds the Cubeman-- GARNET. I mean Garnet.

"Oh, um.. I guess it is getting late..." I reply.

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now