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"Do you wanna watch a movie or something? We have plenty!" Steven asks, seeing that I'm bored with nothing to do. I should've brought a book or something.

"Uh, sure, why not?" I reply.

"Okay! What do you want to watch? We have... " Steven lists off just about every movie on the planet (and some I've absolutely never heard of) before stopping and looking at me.

"Mmm... Your pick, I can't choose."

"Alright!" Steven says as he takes out a movie and puts it on. I can't quite tell what it is, but it's not in English, though there are subtitles. There's a janitor mopping in the background of a fight scene, but I'm sure he won't be of significance later on. Pearl comes over and sits next to me and watches the movie, and later on I end up falling asleep while leaning on Steven's bed.

When I wake up I'm all tucked in on the floor next to his bed and Steven is asleep. I hear some sort of mumbling and see that it's Pearl. She looks... sad, for some reason. I see her enter a room and her gem glows brightly. I try not to wake Steven as I walk towards her.

The door is closing as I run to enter. I just barely get in. Pearl seems to be crying. I hear her say 'Rose' over and over again. Is Rose a name? Is she talking about a person? I feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I don't really know why... am I jealous? Heartbroken? Is she in love with someone else? A million thoughts race through my mind. Her gem glows again and there seems to be a woman in front of her, but the woman is blue. She has very big, long curly hair and a fluffy dress and one of those gem things on her stomach, framed by a star.

"I'll never be like her..." I think to myself. Does Pearl only like people with those gem things? Will she ever like me in that way? Pearl turns around and sees me. She slashes at me with her spear reflexively, leaving a large cut on my stomach.

"GAH!" I yell.

"(Y/N)?! W- How did you get in here?" She says.

"I... You were..." I run out of the room and Steven sees me.

"(Y/N)! A- are you okay?" He says. I curl up into a ball against the wall. My arms are covered in blood. I black out.

When I wake up I'm in a hospital and I hear something. I can't quite tell what it is, but it's definitely someone speaking. When I open my eyes, I can see Pearl, and she seems to be crying. I can sort of hear what she's saying now.

"Now she's going to die and it's all my fault. Oh how could I ever do something like this? Calm down. What would Rose do? Probably heal her with her tears. What am I thinking? I just..."

"I'm alright, Pearl." I say. She turns around quickly and hugs me.

"I was scared..." she says.

"So was I." I say.



She kisses me suddenly, and I immediately kiss back. Not for very long, but it feels special. She blushes and it's... blue? I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't that.

"Pearl?" I say.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Why do you blush blue?"

"Oh! Um.. well..."




Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now