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A/N: This Citrine has a background with Pearl, but not the other gems. It takes a while to explain, but I'll try to tell you what happens in another chapter. Also this is an AU where the cluster doesn't exist or something because I really don't feel like doing more stuff with Peri. Sorry.

I look down to see her severed head and body on the ground.

"I did this... it was me... I killed her..." I say to myself.

"Citrine... no, you didn't. You didn't do this." Pearl tells me. "We have to go back into the control room. You know more than me. I can't do this myself."

We walk inside and Amethyst has a surprised look on her face when she sees me.

"Who are you? Where is Y/N?" She asks.

"See for yourself" Pearl tells her, pointing towards the exit. She tries to hold herself together, but I can tell that she's crying inside. I hug her tightly.

"I understand, Pearl. I can tell what your thinking. I was the same with her" I try to comfort Pearl but I'm crying myself. I've never loved anyone after she died. That hasn't changed for over two thousand years, so I doubt it ever will. I hug her tighter and cry harder.

"Th... the controls..." Pearl whispers through her tears. I let go of her and walk over to the controls. I take control of the ship and head back to Earth. When we land Peridot is still tied up and Garnet has Jasper taken care of. The other Gems poof them and I want to crush them into powder. I hate them with a passion. They bubble them and send them away. We walk into their home.

"Wow" I say. "The temple has changed an awful lot since I last saw it."

"Well, over the years, it's withered." Pearl informs me.

"And apparently you've added a house"

"Yeah, well, Steven couldn't open his room until recently. We kind of had to"


"Rose's son"

"That's why she wasn't there to heal you... I see"

"Pearl's really salty when it comes to Rose" Amythest interrupts.

"Seems more like depressed to me" I reply.

"Oh really?"

"Please, let's not, Amethyst. Pearl just suffered another loss. You barely knew Y/N anyway. Don't bring up Rose."

"Whatever" Amethyst says as she finally leaves the room. Pearl and I walk to the warp pad and go to (place in 'Rose's Scabbard' where Pearl runs off to). (A/N:/I'm probably going to forget to proofread this and leave that bit in but whatever)

She sits down and leans her head on my shoulder as I try to comfort her. I think about how Pearl comforted me when she died. I feel obligated to comfort her as much as she did me, but it's hard since her situation reminds me of mine, leading me  cry with her.

Pearl breaks down crying and I can feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I hug her very tightly. I can feel her tears rolling down my shoulder and back, but I don't care. Eventually Pearl falls asleep on my shoulder and I end up falling asleep right after her.

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora