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A/N: I changed the ending a bit, so now I might be able to make a sequel. You don't spontaneously come back to life, though, so don't worry.

About 15 minutes pass before Peridot walks over to my cell and unlocks it.

"Come with me" she says, grabbing hold of my hand. We walk into a large room with a little machine on the side.

"Sit here and put your arm right here." She says, pointing first to a chair and second to a compartment on the machine about the size of a human arm. I do as she says and she turns on the machine.

I instantly scream out in pain as the machine is doing something to my arm. I can't tell what it is, but it really hurts. Peridot jabs a needle into my other arm and injects me with something. Before I pass out. I hear Peridot say something:

"Should've done that before I turned on the..."

When I wake up I'm still in the chair and my arm is in the machine. Peridot is sitting in front of me, seemingly bored.

"You can take your arm out now" she informs me. When I take out my arm there's a little yellow gem on it.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I scream.

"We wanted to make gem and human fusions." She informs me. "That's Citrine."

"Wh-what? I don't... how did you...?"

"I don't have time to explain. I need to watch for the-" she's cut off by Jasper.

"The Crystal Gems are in their cells already" Jasper tells her.

"Alright. Human, come with me to the cell." Peridot tells me and forcefully grabs onto my arm. She pulls me in a cell like the other ones, next to a gem that'snot reformed yet. I begin to observe my gem. I try to summon a weapon and, after a while, conjure up an axe. The gem is reformed by the time I summon it and she starts singing. I try to press up against the wall to see her, but I just fall through. I walk closer and realize it's Sapphire.

"You're here!" She says.

"I didn't know you were also here!" I reply.

"Sapphire...?" Someone yells in the distance. It sounds like Ruby, so I run towards her and guide her to Sapphire. Steven lets her out of her cell.

"What's on your arm?" Steven asks. He has black eye...

"Citrine. They put a gem on me." I tell him. Ruby and Sapphire fused while Steven was talking, and Garnet gasped.

"That's not right!" She firmly yells. "They shouldn't experiment with living creatures!" She walks away because it advances the story.

"It doesn't matter: we have to find Pearl and Amethyst." I tell Steven. We run along the hallways in between cells until we find them. Pearl has a cracked gem and deformed body.

"Pearl! Your gem...!" I say.

"I know, but we can't focus on that right now! There's a fountain when we get back to the temple! We need to defeat the homeworld gems!" She replies. "But... what's on your arm?"

"Citrine, experiments, blah blah blah. Let's go!"

We run to a room with Peridot and a control panel. Amethyst pulls Peridot away and ties her up with her whip.

"I can't do this! My gem! It's cracked!" Pearl says. Amethyst unties her victim and puts her back at the control panel.

"Take us back to earth!" Amethyst demands.

"Or what?" Peridot asks. Everyone summons their weapons and after few minutes of fumbling I summon my axe.

"You can already summon your weapon?" Peridot asks, surprised. "I guess we did a pretty good job!"

"Just get on the controls." I say. She does, but she doesn't go back to Earth, she continues on her course.

"You guys go - I can handle Peridot" Amethyst says. Pearl and I just get out of the control room when she collapses on the ground as her body becomes more deformed.

"Pearl!" I yell. She can't talk in understandable sentences, so I think about what might work. I can't get her to whatever fountain she was talking about, so I rule that out... what if I sacrificed myself...? Would it work...? I try anything else before deciding that it's the only thing left. I have to try. She could permanently die and then... I wouldn't have... I decide to do it. I summon my axe and put it on the side of my neck. It'll be quick. I mumble through my sobs.

"I'll do it for you... I know I can help..." I push the axe away slightly. One swing and it'll be over. "I'll do it for you, that is to say...
I ' l l g i v e u p m y s e l f." I swing the axe towards me and slice off my head in one fast, clean cut. I feel my soul entering Pearl's gem. I repair it and attempt to communicate that I love her, and then I (whatever you believe goes here)

"What? Why am I still here?" I say. I examine myself and realize that I'm Citrine again. "I still have her memories, don't I..."

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now