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        We arrive at the temple. Once I see Ruby I know who the real Cubey McCuberson is. We discussed earlier that Pearl and Sapphire would do most of the talking, but once we get there Amethyst and Ruby ignore them.

             "Amethyst" I say, and she looks straight at me. "Why won't you listen to them? Are you afraid you're going to lose?" She looks shocked. "Are you? You won't even look at them!" Now she gets angry.  She starts doing some weird dance with Ruby and they fuse. I can't tell what the gem is, though.

          Pearl and Sapphire do a dance and fuse as well. I think it's Onyx, but I can't be sure. I look at her and hold up the sword as if to ask if I could start. She nods and I attempt to stab the Ruby and Amethyst fusion. It escapes every time. Eventually Onyx grabs it.

"Why" Onyx simply asks.

"It isn't right! I checked the future and there are a lot of possibilities where it doesn't work!"

"There are more where it does!" Her voice heightened to a scream. "And I will take the risk because I love her!" Her voice cracks. I can see tears streaming down her face out of one of her 3 eyes. "Please, Ruby, just understand" Why this is only addressed towards Ruby I do not know. This problem seemed to be about Ruby and Amethyst in the beginning, but now it seems to be about just Ruby. The other fusion looks really sad, but only on half of it's face... they all of the sudden unfuse. Amethyst seems to be crying, but Ruby just looks angry.

"I-I can't do this anymore!" Amethyst shouts. "I just can't! I'm sorry, Ruby, but there's no way... it's just horrible! We're torturing everyone around us for no good reason!" She buries her head in her arms.

"I don't care! We can't lose another gem!" Ruby screams.

"Is that all this was about? Losing another gem? Ruby, I could never do that to my team! I wish that didn't happen, but it did, and I couldn't stand if I did that to you." Pearl says.

"O-oh... Sorry. I just thought..."

"I understand."

"Sapphire, could you ever forgive me?"

"Of course." Sapphire responds. Ruby picks her up and spins her around. They fuse into Garnet and smile.

"I guess this means you won't be staying at my house anymore, huh?" I say to Pearl.

"Of course I will" She replies.

"How? You can't go on missions without being at the temple..."

"I can still stay over, though. I'll just go at a certain time and stay over the rest"

"Okay then!"

Next chapter they're going to a play. It'll be hilarious, trust me. Also prepare for more PDA.

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin