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"How did you sleep?" I ask Pearl when I see her walk out of her room. She has her hand on her forehead, clearly she has a hangover from last night.

"Oh, fuck you." She mumbles.

"Hey hey, don't be so vulgar! Steven lives here you know!" I chuckle and point above me towards Steven's bed. She sighs and sits down next to me. "But really, how are you?"

"I'll be okay." She says. "Just a headache."

"Okay." I continue reading my book as Pearl leans on my arm. Suddenly, Amethyst walks in. "Hello, Amethyst."

"Hey, Citrine. What's with Pearl?" She replies.

"Hangover" I answer. Amethyst looks confused.

"Never thought she would do that kind of thing."

"Well, she did. And now she has to face the consequences. Alcohol only provides short relief from life's problems." Pearl rolls over, her now facing the wall.

"Heh, well, see you later." Amethyst says as she walks out. Pearl rolls back around and sighs.

"Pearl, you can't just sit around all day. Let's go outside and do something!"


We walk out. "What's your favorite place in Beach City?" I ask.

"Well, there's a tree a little ways away that I enjoy."

"Okay, lead the way!" Pearl walks ahead of me. We walk for quite a while until I can see a pink tree in the distance. Once we reach the tree we sit down and do random little things. I think about whatever comes to mind, and somehow that's Pearl. We're just friends. No, we're more than just friends, right? I mean we've been through a lot together, surely that means something? I don't know. "Hey Pearl?"


"A-are we..." I stutter. "Er-- Are you okay? I mean with Y/N's death and me suddenly appearing a lot has gone on over the past few days." Dangit! I didn't mean to say that! Why did I? I'm such an idiot!

"I suppose 'okay' would be the right word" She says.

"A-alright, it's just... I thought you might want to... er, y'know what? Never mind." Once I say never mind, Pearl starts to cry. Why is she crying? Did I say something? "Pearl? Why are you-- Why are you crying?"

"When Y/N first said 'I love you', she asked why I blush blue, and then she dismissed the question by saying 'nevermind'... Everything kind of reminds me of her right now. I'm rambling though, aren't I?"

"Well, kind of, but it's fine. I like hearing -- I mean -- I understand that you just lost someone and that you need to talk about it."

"Thanks, Citrine. I'm glad I can talk to you."

"Yeah, I am too." I say, then realize what I've done. "I mean, I'm glad you have someone to talk to. I know what you're going through. It can be tough."

"Yeah... Yeah it can"

"I missed you." I say, then realize I did it again. "Er, I missed having friends on that ship, and back on homeworld... Noone cared about me except for experimenting, I'm glad to have someone again."

"Yeah... well, I guess I should be grateful about that. At least I didn't have to endure, just after losing my loved one, nobody caring about me."

"Let's go home now, okay?"


Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now