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"Can I come?" I ask Pearl as she runs to the temple for a mission.

"Sure, just bring the sword."

I had finally, after a few days, decided to ask Pearl if I could go on a mission with her. I wonder what it's like, doing... Wait, what do they do anyways? Well, I guess I'm about to find out. I grab the sword and we walk to the temple.

"Pearl?" I ask.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"What do you actually do on these missions?"

"We get rid of corrupted gems"

"You kill Gems?!"

"No, Gems can't die unless their actual gem is broken. If they suffer a bad enough injury, they can retreat to their gems. We don't crush their gems, we just give them sufficient enough injuries that they retreat back into their gems and then we bubble them""

"Can Gems come back if they retreat?"

"Yes. They may change their clothes and hair, though. It takes different Gems different time to come back. For example, Amethyst takes generally an hour at most, but I take at least a week"


We arrive at the temple and Pearl explains about why I'm here. She tells me to get on the warp pad and I do. We warp to some kind of forest and start walking to wherever the corrupted gem is. Eventually we find it and start fighting it. It grabs Pearl. I see it has her and increase my fighting out of anger. I kill it, but not before it squishes Pearl. Right after I'm done I run over to Pearl's gem.

"Pearl!" I scream through tears.

"She's okay" says Garnet. "She just-"

"Sh-she explained it to me on the way here..." I reply. "I just won't be able to see her for a while.."

"Then why are you so sad?"

"I-I just want to be able to see her..."

We go back to the temple and I walk home with Pearl in my hands. I wonder what she'll look like when she gets back. How long did she say? 'At least a week'? I can't wait a week, I need to see her now! Pearl has to explain... I don't know anything about this Gem stuff... it's odd that when someone special to you leaves you need them specifically to explain it to you or comfort you. Just their comforting voice, a voice you trust. You can imagine them all you want, but that never helps. It just makes you miss them even more.

Eventually I get home and put on some music. The music Pearl used to listen to. It makes me want to hug her. Feel her skin, see her face, and hear her voice. I'm falling apart and Pearl is the only thing that could help me.

I need to stop. This isn't useful. This is wasting time. I need to take my mind off this. I need to do something else. I need to start a project. A big project that will take up a whole week. I need to do something different. I can't just sit around and be sad. I start doing stuff. Putting random things together. Taking my mind off Pearl. I start to read. I write a report, like the ones I used to do in school. I write a story. I draw. I learn a new language. I do anything that takes my mind off her. It doesn't help that I keep her next to me at all times. It doesn't help that when I go to sleep I have nightmares about it. I don't care. I keep going. I exercise. I talk to people. I go online. Nothing helps. Pearl stays in my mind. I can't get rid of it. I give up. I sit around and wait. It's been a week. Pearl still hasn't come back. I need her. She has to come back.

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now