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Welp I have a chapter for you guys finally (isn't writer's block really terrible)
Also how the heck did we get this to 15.9K

It's about 9:00 A.M. when Steven wakes up. He sits up in his bed and looks out the window.

"Good morning!" I say to him.

"Huh? Oh, Citrine, I forgot you were here. Good morning!" He says with a smile and a wave. He stands up and heads to the kitchen to make breakfast. I never thought about how he must've had to learn to do a lot of stuff on his own from a young age... it must have been hard, he was just a human child...

"Do you want anything?" He asks.

"No, thanks." I reply. How did he manage to learn all this stuff before moving in with the gems? He's so nice to everyone, why can't the gems on homeworld have that sort of attitude? Maybe if they did it would've been possible for me to have that sort of personality, too, but no. They wouldn't let us. They taught us that we had to be assertive, direct, forceful, and often violent. I wish I could've been like him and Rose, and seen a better future. I had doubts when I joined them, but I admired them because they didn't. When I was captured it just reinforced my doubts and I assumed they died. Homeworld covered that up really well. When I saw Pearl alive, I was so relieved.

Steven walks out of the kitchen and back up to his bedroom, holding his breakfast, and asks "Can we finish that game?"

"Yeah, sure! Let's continue!" I respond. We play for a few hours, and at about 1:00 P.M. we finish the game. Steven plays some other game for a while, and I read. At about 2:30, Garnet walks out of her room and I go down to talk to her.

"Hey, Garnet!" I say. I haven't talked to her much, and that conversation last night was a little mysterious and intruiging.

"Citrine?" She replies.

"Are you... possibly... a fusion?"

"Yeah. How'd you guess?" She seems so calm about everything...

"Oh, I thought it last night, when you revealed your third eye. I've never actually fused before, what's it like?"

"Well, it's kind of like... like being two people, the first time, but in the same body. After that, overtime, it feels a lot like you're becoming one person every time you do it. The best way is to learn by fusing yourself. It's an experience."

"Hm..." Garnet puts a hand on my head, as if I'm a child. It's comforting for some reason. She walks past me and onto the warp pad and a bright beam of light shoots up from it as she warps away.

I go back to my book.

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now