19 (short, but important)

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Go back and finish 18 if you haven't already -- It's pretty important

Waking up the next day on the floor of Steven's room is not what I expected.

"Wh-- Pearl?" I ask into the distance.

"Citrine?" Steven asks tiredly.

"What happened? I was in Pearl's room, why am I here?"

"I don't know, But it's like 2:00 A.M., how are you awake?"

"I..." I say then think of what she might be doing. "Oh, God, no..." The door is open for some reason I run back into her room to find her gem intact, but her poofed. "Well, at least she's alive..." I look at her gem and then see a note. It says 'I need time to think', then something crossed out, then 'I'm sorry Citrine'. I take the gem outside and tell Steven. He seems okay, but I don't think he understands exactly what's going on.

"Well, I guess we'll see her in a few weeks then." I say.

"Yeah! It'll work out. Now I'm going back to sleep." He replies and lies down. I suppose I should, too, so I fall asleep again on his floor.

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now