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"Remember when you said you'd teach me to use a sword?" I ask Pearl, interrupting the silence. We were both reading.

"Yes, why?"

"I want to learn now"

"Okay. Let's go to the temple, it wouldn't be safe to do it here"

We go to the temple and I greet the other gems as we walk over to the warp pad. We warp to a normal looking place and walk up some stairs. We enter into an area that seems to be floating.

"This is an ancient sky arena" Pearl says. "This is where some of the first battles for Earth took place. It was here that I became familiar with the human concept of being a knight. Comepletely dedicated to a person and a cause. This is what you must become, Y/ N. Brave, selfless, loyal, a knight. We begin with a bow. First to me, your teacher" I bow to Pearl. "And now again to your liege" I bow to her again. She smiles at me before summoning a hologram of herself.

"LEVEL: 0. BEGINNER SET. DO YOU WISH TO ENGAGE IN COMBAT" (A/N: I imagine holopearl to speak in all caps XD also there's no question mark there because everything she says is a statement.)

"Would you like me to demonstrate first?" Pearl asks.

"Yes" I reply. Appearently the Holopearl thinks I'm talking to it, because it attempts to attack me. Pearl gets her sword and kills it just before it gets to me. "Thank you, Pearl." She summons another and asks me to begin. She guides my hands with hers.

"It all begins with your stance. Remember, you do it for me" she starts to sing. "And you will do it freely
You do it for us, that is to say, you'll do it for me...
Keep your stance wide,
Keep you body lowered,
And as you're moving forward balance is the key!
Right foot,
Left foot,
Now go even faster!
And as you're moving backwards, keep your eyes on me."

I sing with her. "Keep my stance wide,
Keep my body lowered
As I'm moving forward.."

"Concentrate!" Pearl yells "Don't you want us to live?"

"Right foot,
Left foot,"

"Yes, but put your whole body into it! Everything you have,
Everything you are,
You've got to give!" She makes a projection of something.
"On the battle field,
When everything is chaos,
And you have nothing but the way you feel,
Your strategy and a sword.
You just think about the life we'll have,
Together after the war.
You do it for us,
That's how you'll do it with ease.
You do it for us,
That is to say,
You'll do it for me.
Deep down,
You know,
You werent built for fighting.
But that doesn't mean you're not prepared to try!
What they
Don't know
Is your real advantage
When you live for someone you're prepared to die"

"Deep down,
I know,
That I'll lose without you,
But that only means I need you by my side!
We can fight together!
We can live forever!
I can be there for you, I can be your knight!
I can do it for you!
We'd do it for us!"

"We can fight together!
You do it for us,
And now you say"

"I'll do it for you"

I run up and kiss Pearl at the end of our lesson. We only have one left after this.

The time passes quickly until our next lesson. We walk into the arena and Pearl starts talking to me.

"Remember, in the heat of battle, we are everything. The enemy is nothing against us. Let us BEGIN!" She says as she surrounds us with clouds. There are a lot of Holopearls attacking me, but I use my knowledge to defeat them. Eventually I take out all of them and Pearl takes away the clouds.

"You did it!" She yells as she runs up to me and hugs me.

"I know! That was amazing!"

"You did everything perfectly! It was Wonderful!"

"I love you, Pearl"

"I love you too, Y/N"

"Could I... could I go on missions with you someday?"

"That would be perfect"

Rosy Cheeks (SU Pearl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now