Positive Whisper's

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Always show one another respect! ! If your friend let's you down, be quick to forgive them!! If you let your friend down, be quick to apologize to them!! Don't hold grudges they turn into hate that turns into sorrow that turns into revenge...none of Wich is ever a good thing. In then end YOU are the one that suffers the most.
Forgive,forget then move on
Apologize,forget then move on.
Question Authority, just because they are in a position of "power" does not make their views right! !
There is NO stupid question!! only stupid answers!!! Actually there is a stupid question: the one NOT asked!! Question everything!!  Doubt everything!! Find out for YOURSELF if it's truth. Blind exceptance leads to fualt that leads to failure. Except it or move on to another truth. What's true for one is not the same truth for another. Don't be so quick to accept another's truth or discount it. Always Question, wonder, keep an open mind...If you do this you will never see the world with blinded eyes..you said "I refuse to wear the blinders.!!".. that, will  ALWAYS KEEP YOU FREE!!!
Could go on, but , for now....ponder!!
STEP aka Stephen James (shortened by a friend and ,well, like it sooo.)

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