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Wich are the real culprite?? Weather made clouds..or man made ones?? No..these are not normal contrails from a jet engine..these are modification stuff...oh that's right, I'm a conspiracy theilorist with no backing proof whatsoever. ..look up bioengineering, I have a good one ..morgellans disease...a total coverup...look at the definition on wikipedia...then let me tell you where I first learned of a front page article in Newsweek about ten years ago...with doctor verification pictures it's labeled as a fictitious psych up and try to find EXACTLY  what FEMA really is...and who they work for and will be governing over.?In the likely..I mean unlikely event of martial law...the war on drugs..didn't work considering this country is flooded with drugs...that uncle sugars CIA ducking fed into this the war on terror...thing allows our government the needed powers for Obama to enact the war powers giving the Constitution the boot...making him ..
Anything he wants...oh hint..FEMA is NOT a disaster relief like the red cross...they are...the United charge over any foreign troops deployed here in this country..
You think those exercises across this country were just becausae?? No they are  preparing the military and now a militarily enforced police, the power to control  martial law...did you know Obama has already enacted those powers...look it on you tube is a good place to start...I've been researching for almost a year now..I keep being led to the exact same questions with the exact same fucking matter how I try to reword the me..that's not good when the answers are only more troubling then the questions..yet I will not be led like a sheep to slaughter..without at least knowing why I'm being slaughtered..
Adalaine Marie

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