The Primeality of Friends...

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"Here have a beer, it will make you feel right" Ernest said. Tarzan had never had a true beer before and Ernest knew this would not be his last. Tarzan drank the beer sharply. It was cold and Tarzan liked it. He looked at the beer coolly
" Me Tarzan!You beer! " And laughed to himself thinking of Jane. Ernest looked at Tarzan and felt old. "Vas Is Wich The Old Stuff?" Ernest and Tarzan watched Sigmund, strangely, as he entered the room. "Sigmund! My old primitivo! Have a beer with us,please join us!" Sigmund new exactly what Ernest had meant by primitivo and felt it hard to bear, how could he have been so..foolish? They all settled in to each other's company, they each had a few more beers. Ernest asked Sigmund, " Do you remember how it was in Stimson?  With the running of the dogs and how we ate cruellars and drank IPA...How we stole the grunion from the young girls at the Cafe de Sandcrab Shekel? Do you remember Sigmund?" Sigmund only thought of how Ernest could be so cruel-and he did not answer. He thought how only Pavlov's dogs weren't cruel. Reflecting he thought how sometimes a cold beer was still just that..a beer. Tarzan thought of nothing. They all ordered big plates of contuzzi del canatzo and spoke not of their big cigars...

Suddenly the trio heard a loud " Hello my com padres!!" BOOM out into the slowly fading night. "What? No invite for me? My heart sinks into the depths of a sadness that can only be felt by those lonely!!" Shakespeare bellowed into the fast fading space between them. Ernest and Sigmund said in unison "Come have a beer with us friend! So nice to see you alive! Tell us a tale we won't soon forget!" Ernest said to Shakespeare.  Now the beers flowed as steadily as the tides or the setting of the sun giving up to rising of the moon.  The trio rose their beers cheering everything from the air to the sky to Pavlov's dogs to big cigars. Sigmund did not cheer to anything but Pavlov's dogs. Tarzan could only mimic what Ernest, Sigmund, Shakespeare did, lost in thoughts of Jane and their first words " Me Tarzan, You Jane !" Ernest asked His friend Shakespeare if he had figured out the answer to the question that had haunted him all these years "to be or not to be " Shakespeare just laughed, Tarzan grunted while Sigmund just barked his reply! They all laughed, lit another cigar, ordered more Cream de Crab tar tar, more beer,Lagunitas IPA of course, no other beer would do ,not on this night! They settled down for a fleeting moment with each deep in his own thoughts...
Jane yelled from across the smoky room " Tarzan!! Just where the fuck have you been? I knew I'd find you here with these scoundrels!! Do you know what time it is? Well answer me!! Do you?" Tarzan could only grunt. " And you  and you  and especially YOU Ernest!! You should be ashamed of yourselves!! They looked at each other and winking Sigmund said " Jane, it's late and you look tired. Here,sit" Sigmund pulled a chair out for Jane to sit at." We're sorry for keeping Tarzan! You must have been distraught with worry! Here have a beer it will calm your nerves " Reluctantly Jane took the beer. Soon it was gone. She had another then another. Tarzan admired Sigmund's ability to handle those situations that required careful thought. Ernest was impressed, Shakespeare thought this would make a good sonnet. (Jane was just lonely and wanted company. She knew Sigmund's ploy, after all, she was a woman and he... a mere man! They drank the cold IPA as if they hadn't had anything to drink for days...until a sharp yell rang out into the smoky darkness of the room
"LAST CALL" the five-some cursed under their breathes. The friends ordered one more round. This would NOT end here they determined! Jane had poset that they do not gather like this often, And she would be damned if it would end there!! This night would be more then just another unsightly, random memory. No!! Tonight would be a conquest, a fantasy, A tale of two cities, A midsummers night dream, It would finally answer the question that had eluded Shakespeare for so long " to be or not to be " And the answer was a resounding " TO BE" Tarzan could only grunt in agreement,  the others just laughed like children who had just gotten away with writing dirty words on the chalkboards of life...Jane smiled to herself, she was proud of her mastery of  situation Sigmund thought he had fabricated. The truth was that Jane had orchestrated this whole evening. The invitations thy had received from each other were never questioned or ever brought up..Yes ,Jane thought, if they only knew how skillfully they had been played like potters clay in my hand. Jane burst out into a rolling laughter that the foursome just could not understand. They looked at each other and just shook their heads. (Thinking she has gone crazy or she is drunk) be continued!!

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