Conspiracy Theory or truth

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I'm going to be doing a series on what I've found to be the real truth..not the smokescreen. I've been debating on how to start...I have two videos is like you to watch...I'll put both here back to back. ..don't even get me started on the false flag event called 9/ wasn't an accident..or some third world country yahoo's that did it...1 question comes to did 5 airplanes, from different airports get hijacked at the same time, piloted by third world country poeple?? That were trained at the same time in this country??? Has that ever happened in history before? ? Ok..and why didn't the places that were already known about being hijaked...where the Frick was Norad?? They were told to stand down this is a trainng excercise...look it up!!
OK the first special close attention to the report of who James Holmes father is!! James Holmes was a brilliant kid...not a stupid shooter, and doesn't he look kinds drugged???

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