silent lucidity

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Only in that state do i find you..Can I feel you and see you,

Can I hold you and caress your wind swept hair,

In only this place are you real, a beating heart that will never stop beating,

Time drags on lazily...needing no hands to keep time,

The monsters at last, they are continually receding,

A place where there is no night and the sky is always blue,

I kiss your neck as I move your blouse, your shoulders to bare,

Memories come beside a thoughtful moment and stretch beyond knowing,

Incapable now that the seeds have all been sown,

You look into my eyes as you pull me down onto your skin, yearning me awake,

We take haste in case the time should get away, leaving us vulnerable,

Melting into each other, the coming and the goings of a single soul,

My hand clasps your in a grip of desperation and solace, a fading smile,

I give and you take, you take and I give, we both have our claim staked,

In my dreams you come alive, a reality I can not fake,

A deep, cavernous emptiness, reminiscent of a black a hole,

A deep longing, A look that only comes to you after realizing your mortality,

In the deep crevasses of a mind that can only be reached from within,

There you are waiting, the shadows biting at your feet, screaming in silence,

They scream in silence, a sound only you can hear and feel, to you its only another sin,

My dear damsel in distress are you waiting on me?

Such revelry, such mourning, The moon glows bright when there is a chill in the air,

From the mornings of present to the nights of old, Its not as you fear,

I have to make myself clear,

Your lips are soft and full, your skin is pale, your breasts are full and longing to be held,

My loins are yearning to be ravaged within your walls of safety and danger,

Your playful girlish ways with your womans appetite, with a snake charmers charm,

I cannot resist your gentle touch and your sincere kisses that show no alarm,

Your moans tell me that I am near as your fingernails tear,

Grabbing your hair and pulling your head back, biting your neck until it bleeds,

Thrusting deeper into your walls of safety, growling into your flowing long hair,

We let the serenity of the moment pass us by, in an instant heaven and hell become one,

the nighttime moon and the daytime sun, The earth and sky every single need,

All that we know from the dawn of man comes crashing into each other at once,

Straining to break a moments time, all is right, peaceful, love.

She rests her head against my chest, running her fingers along my arm down to my hand. I can barely make out the moment as it briefly flashes by. I wonder is she real? Or is she just my imagination. Sometimes I swear that she is as real as me or you. Then there are the times that Im not really sure. I have always known her. She has always been in my minds eye. I know her. She knows me, im sure of it. I sometimes hear her call my name. I sometimes hear her say her name as if telling me a secret. That name is Adalaine Marie.

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