Some fav Sayings

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1. If something doesn't feel right, no matter how good it looks, trust your gut feeling, and walk Away!!!

2. "FUCK THAT SHIT" is a perfectly acceptable replacement for the word "NO"

3.Were not a therapist but We promise you this: We will listen
We will care

4. (Boys) Your girl friend should be your best friend!! So don't treat her like your friend with benefits! !

5. One of Adalaine's 7th and 8th grade teachers sent her this, he heard she was feeling down: An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards... when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming:) His name is Mr. Pickrel...I don't think he would mind..If any of you know Hugh, can you tell him one of his old students ^5 him here( wolf )
He still is in contact with alot of his older students via FB..He has always cared so so so much. He deserves teacher of the Millennium award.

6. Go ahead judge me. Just remember to be perfect the rest of your life.

A. Open your own drinks
B. Never leave a drink unattended
C. DONT accept or drink a drink that tastes unusual to you! !again listen to your gut feeling
D. Always tell some one you trust your plans 4 the evening, who your Goin with, his name, let them know where your going,when your going to be back, hell, even take a pic of him and email it to a trusted friend
E. If plans change Let SOMEONE KNOW, don't leave it to chance that maybe it will be ok.
F. Take your own car and meet that person (if not really familiar with them)At the place, party, restaurant. Etc
G. DO NOT let someone you barely know make up your mind for you, change plans on you at last moment, talk you into something/out of something where YOUR GUT FEELING SAYS "THIS DOES NOT FEEL RIGHT"
H. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings, street names, land marks, etc. DONT allow another to isolate you from friends or into an area that you know will make you feel uncomfortable,
I. Trust your gut feeling if it feels wrong it probably is
J. Don't drink more then you are used to if among those you really don't know
K. If you really don't know the guy DO NOT LET HIM MAKE UP YOUR MIND FOR YOU
L. IF meeting someone you met online for the first time ALWAYS MEET IN A PUBLIC PLACE. NEVER LET HIM CHOOSE THE PLACE! !

8. Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some people can't wait to use them against you.

9. (Minion saying) Before you DX yourself with depression our low self esteem, first make sure your not really surrounded by assholes

10. This is one of Adalaine's fav:
U don't want someone to save you, not really, U want someone who will plant kisses on ur scars and cover your bruised body with their own and hold you at 2 am when your world has fallen apart and you've cried yourself into a coma. What you really want is someone who will help YOU.... save yourself, care about yourself, stop hating yourself, cutting yourself,starving yourself...someone who WON'T LET YOU GIVE UP ON YOU! !

O.K. that's it for now. .Do you have some Fav sayings?? Please, share so we can share, so others will know some things that maybe they don't know cause your profile don't
say...Please don't be shy. Let someone else share in your world:)
Thanks, leave the desks in a circle, it's how they need to be. Don't forget your homework assignment
"What is your fav quote or saying and if you know, who said it. .for extra credit ,answer why it is your favorite" yep will even post that so people know why it is a saying you relate to. .ok, have a great weekend and tell your parents get a life and notice you...oh, I can't say that shit..Fuck, figures No matter where I am, I just can't be me :( "
We were going for something else but fucked it up :)
Adalaine, Step, Elizabeth, Rebecka, Korina

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