to all you haters...thank you!!!

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I actually have haters!! Really... It's my belief that if you don't have haters your doing something wrong! ! Let me explain why I think that ( there's a difference between haters and cowardly bullies ) Haters are those small minds that think their shit doesn't stink, that they are always right, that they have to protect the rest of the world from people like me and you. ..the truth is the rest of the world needs protection from people like them... you know you are headed in the right direction when you and what you are saying or doing, especially creative open minded constructive openly risqué thought provoking, stuff is looked down on BY THE FEW. If what you are doing or saying isn't blatantly repulsive or openly hateful to another's like or dislikes, overly disrespectful to a person or group, you know not bullying type bullshit or white supremacy banter or pedophile trash shit like that, and some random closed mind targets that creativity that's a sign that at least you are making others think. ..there will always be small minded people. I mean how boring if you were ordinary and just like all the other sheep..
So haters,  thanks! !
And you that unfollow me and block me without giving me the benefit of the doubt and judge me before even knowing me, your loss. Because your really missing out on knowing a  terrific person, me.
Oh and t(*.*)
Adalaine Marie Skyye

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