Lady in the bright yellow dress

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Swimming in a sea of conjecture and what ifs
Pondering the position of the daytime moon
All the stars in th universe, the alignment of the planets
Still the damn traffic light remained stuck on red
I was late 4 something that I couldn't explain
Looking at the pedestrians non nonchalant stride as they passed by
She passes in a very bright yellow dress that really clung to her, revealing and slutty, Smiling at you as she passes, winking at you as she takes her finger and sucks it just so
Staring at her ,drooling, you feel weird,you look down, your standing center mast, blinking
Thinking to yourself,would anyone see if I stroked it right here, would anyone care, do I dare?

Are there any cameras near,they could give me the evil eye, maybe I should share
Wave my manhood in the air...would anyone care? Maybe they'd join me!
That would be something..a mass jerk off...that that would be something!!
The light turns green,you inch forward, stopping  in the middle of the intersection
Standing up and yelling " Give me your ears, please listen up, let's do something great! !
"Men and women, old and young, let's 4 once stop all our hate! Think of a fantasy, A day with your wife, let's do something really fun!!"
It must have been the heat, the fact was this was Hollywood, home of the weird and crazy! In unison the crowd grew, getting naked in their heat stroked haze, California craze,Like a mass appeal,  chanting as one" Give me liberty or give me death, a cold beer, no taxes, worthwhile days and free parking, a remote, a wife, a hubby that let's me fight,

John law was quick to respond. Scratching their heads wondering "What the fuck do we do? They aren't breaking any laws...not here in California"
The crowd ,in unison again, screamed " Join us! You need a break,too!!"
Throwing caution to the wind, their nightsticks and uniforms, they got naked also (it's California don't be so surprised ) they gave in to sin
A mass jerk off ensued, up,down,up,down, round and round
Their moans of pleasure rose to a deafening crescendo, only the watching red and green lights kept time...blinking in unison, red ,green,yellow,green,red,yellow fast ,stop, go slow, then over again..
As one would expect a riot soon ensued, naked pedestrians running amoke (the news channels didn't care, this was Los Angels for God's sake,just another heat stroke filled day)

DON'T blame me blame it on Rebecka!! It's her poem, she wrote it...yes she has a filthy mind..what do you expect from a dork in training? Yeah she aspires to be Adalaine's twin.
Then so does Elizabeth. Can you blame them? Adalaine is definitely one of a kind, special beyond words, a gem of untold beauty and worth, a dancing, laughing playful kitten in the guise of a snarling pit bull!!! She holds in her heart life...that she found here among all your pain, your encouragement, your wisdom, your hurts, questions, all your faults that she finds so incredible so unique to each of's those things that have given her the strength she has sought her whole life...something she kept hidden away in the deepest reaches of her mind...the one thing she thought she would never know, something that until reading your stuff, she didn't even dare believe it was real lest it would fleetingly fade as every dream she's ever had has...what is that?? HOPE, PERCEIVER, STRENGTH, BRAVERY,INSIGHT ENCOURAGEMENT, LAUGHTER, A REASON TO GO ON ONE MORE DAY ,EVEN THO IT WAS AS FUCKED UP AS IT WAS....she found these things from each of you...yes, sorrow, pain, tears ,heartache, anger, rejection, stupidity, judgment and on and on..not from any of you towards her, but in between the lines of your weakest moments. It's there she found all the things she NEEDED to finally give her the strength so she could face Satan...her single greatest fear, she did because of everything she got from all of you...mainly, I think STRENGTH!! That only the bravest could know. The most special. Those who deserve more from a life that continually stifles their magnificence, their  gentleness...Fuck no these are not just nice sounding lines!! We do not spout bullshit..we hurt to fucking much to insult all of you that way!!
So...where do we go from here?? Forward dammit forward. And we're going to drag as many of you along with us as we can, thank you very much!! And there's nothing you can do about it, why?? Cause YOU GUYS CAN'T stop us from CARING!! So there (:  (these are words Adalaine would say to you, she is in an emotional way. She asked me to convey these sentiments of hers ,to all of you.
This I, Stephen,  have done. Til then,  good day 0_o ♡


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