case in point

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Was reading newspaper article " ISIS fighter captured after battle with forces..." OK cool.
Why is he still alive?? oh, he's claiming U.S. citenzenship and wants to be deported..ok, I'll buy that..but wait...
He pulled out his drivers license and showed them...
Well I put that aside for a moment and look and looked closer at the photo..
Wow, for a guy that was just captured in a fiercely fought battle, he looks well groomed. Not a hair out of place, no dirt smudges on his cheeks, and wow, perfectly manicured beard.
So he just murdered lots of the capters friends, was in ISIL forces, baby rapists at best, and he is still alive after a fierce battle looking like a movie star...ok.
Oh wait, he said he was a U.S. citezen (fuck I can't spell it) he showed them his drivers liscense, pictures of his wife, you know..says he wants to be that what they do to captured prisoners these days?? Gotta be humanitarian you know..
OK so the thousands of minor crime prisoners,there's that word again, in U.S. prisons are being treated humanely...OK
I've said this mostly sarcastically to show a point..
I hate fucking liers...and it keeps appearing time and time and time again in the mainstream media...just like chem-trails are a conspiracy theory,right..just look up.. in the day, geez...if you and me continue our silence we continue the lies and make them valid...THE SAME WAY SEEING SOMEONE BULLIED AND STANDING IDLY BY MAKES YOU JUST AS GUILTY AS THE BULLY..
Goodnight...sweet nightmares. .silence will breed your worst fears...and they will come...
Adalaine Marie

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