my online friends(yours too)

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I'd be dead...if not for u
I'd still be blind...if not for u
I'd feel alone...if not for u
I'd still feel unneeded..if not for u
I wouldn't know laughter
I wouldn't know smiling
I wouldn't know curiosity
I'd still be so lost taught me to swim
Dying you showed me how to live
Wiped my tears...with a gentle touch
Kissed my scars...showing me a compassion I'd never known
Helped me open my eyes to be able to see, not just look
Excepted my frailties
Didn't use my weaknesses against me
Showed me...let me...helped me...allowed me...babied me without making me feel like a child
Warmed me...held me...gave me took from me offering...shielded me...told me I should try and I listened
Heard my words and believe them you do this by your actions
This is too the one and to the many...the one reader..she knows a budding artist
The few readers they know...they say hi how was your day
The ones I follow the ones that follow me...I try to keep in touch with all our read your updates comment to you when I can
Helped me keep my positive outlook..really gives me a clarity NOT known ever
All the readers..every one YOU are all amazing, caring, bitching bad assess I've learned how to except exotic difference I never knew by reading your life imagination strengths and weaknesses desires fantasies and so much more
Things like what a Dom is a submissive what Ciel likes to do on his time of, how really nice Sebastian actually is, that BEN drowned it's actually kinda a funny critter that even Jeff the killer has a heart, that anime is more then just funny characters its filled with Emotion, sorrow, waisted friendship, a place were wolves do exist and the Neko's are so cute, A place where Cinderella wasn't just a girl, where girls love to skateboard. A place that Levi isn't so bad and finding what real love is between two guys or two girls or two wolves isn't that far fetched. I've been to distant places in the world. Learned things I had no clue about real like real and pain abuse, depression, hate, hurt, inner turmoil, and even more about the stupidity of parents, that not all adults are evil. that the smartest people, you guys, teens,  young adults, are the least credited, most misunderstood, under valued, precious gems this planet has, yet you are so fucked over by authority, parents, adults, closed minded really good most girls are and how( sorry guys it's just my opinion ) silly and weird and kinda dumb. Boys all you ever think about or have on your mind is sports!! And how good you look in the mirror!! OK now maybe I'll get some hate mail :) OK in Boys defense, God made them first so they can't all be evil, I mean Satan is a guy and...oh bad example.... all are great and I'm a dork and so fucking manic right now can you tell?? Yeah this is what it looks like. Not pretty..
I actually found a friend who is a little smart ass sarcastic bully hating girl but she is a real bad ass so she is going to help me try to show all of you the proper most damning spiteful spit on you way to deal with cowardly cyber bullies**
Coward Bully: criminal, outwardly week, asinine , reprehensible , dirt bag, bothersome, unwarranted, lonely little you
Like that I did it myself thank you..sure use the fuck out of it, paint it on the bully, post it, whatever but bullies you can't have it..I'll hunt you and make you publicly piss yourself, start to cry, roll around on the ground whimpering but why but why, so don't Fuck with me or you Will be a stain wiped clean for the world to see...I pride myself on being able to deal with small minds and smaller dicks I have special's called hatred towards cowards...little pieces of dirty shit that ooze out their poison demeaning those not willing or able to defend against scum like bully trash...but I can't be backed into a corner by filth...that's why it really angers me seeing a friend be cyber have to hide behind a screen of protection and fear and intimidation thinking your untouchable...fuck you bullies are so fucking pathetic and can't intimidate someone who intimately knows it you can't make someone afraid of threats that's been threatened life-long and knows they can't be hurt worse by losers and filth...any of you readers want to try bullying me..I have one stupid fuck in mind.I know it was you " stricken" that reported me you baby...did I say something flirty to your girlfriend?+ fuck you weasel and I'm going to follow you just so you can read this and again report me..I didn't say your name..I could be talking about anyone no-one but you know....coward.
Ok I got that off my beautiful perky breasts...damn nipples are swollen again it was all that talk of beating bullies at they're game that just turned me the fuck on...
Well aggression in the right hands is a beautiful thing...girls you know what I mean..boys don't worry it's from a soap opera yeah stupid girls stuff..speaking of soaps anyone watch the last month of General hospital...well do tell my tv is busted all to Hell and I am not brite enough to Find out online..someone will just have to tell me how Luke is is he still playing evil how sunny my hero is is he back in prison our that lovely English speaking whatever guys babe is I mean name is is Carly being stupid again as usual has aj gotten a set of balls yet Has Jake been hired by the cia yet I has robin ever been found or lucky you know that Luke killed um stefanos before he raped Laura then had the nerve to marry her now he is being a evil prick with stefanos widow how is ELQ doing has Jason come back oh I miss my soaps.. again im fucking spinning out of control bi polar way..manic.. so I'm rambling idiotically )
But I can't recall oh how about movies twilight yum Bella so naive or fuck...I have it right on the top of my crazy slutty demoness know bad as fuck girl vampire in love with a werewolf
Our Wesley snipes half human half really fucking super bad ass vampire slayer or fuck you'll do this another time sorry all I'm spinning way the fuck out there and rambling like a 5 dollar date...
A/N she hasn't been taking her medication. I am really sorry for her...rambling. Adalaine will be ok she just has been avoiding her prozac and lithium she is out of seroquel and when she is this manic xannax won't calm or slow her down. For those of you who have friends that have bi polar disorder you can see its not fun and its actually rather ugly so please don't hate...our do its your choice we except all comments good or bad...We kind of wonder about something tho..have seen hate comments on few others stuff but guess she hasn't pissed the right persons off yet cause you know your doing some thing right when you get haters...closed minds tell you your going in the right direction....Stephen James
Oh...your expecting puppies and kittens and bunnies and yew snakes and rats...ok reaches into magic 420 smoke throws you guys kittens and bunnies and turtles and snakes...what?? Fish you sicko hell no we don't do that kind of perv..
OK Fuck throws bunches of cookies and magic brownies and curiosity and mystery and questions without answers..what..O_o you have to be joking..ok here have her..a librarian with another's face tapped unto her face. Wait.give me that back that's my Face to can't have that..I ,you know ,look at it like boys read/look at stuff that they, you know ,shit we're all mature her ,fantasize to.. pictures of their fav football team that really great looking muscle car stupid shit...but this face is mine to dream about .the librarian.??she barks so...and for a cougar she's not that old...glares at you ..I told you we don't do fish security security get this perv out of here. ..feed him to the guppies....
The management...Adalaine, admin, Stephen James read that shit about that weird ass librarian you'll know I'm talking about you ...oh hi skater chick ...and bully ..j bad ass bitch ray ....strike me ,yeah you dick didn't really say your name but again your not that stupid not to know. .report me go the fuck ahead again ...vanna sis girl...Nemo ..Cieala...miss Hollistyle ...never luved...blonde girl I flirt with hair all pulled back with those so yum glasses you know Sebastian Michaelis...insane d...P.P I know you muted and blocked me but still wanted to say...shit I'll list those that do what we started at the top ,all those positives...goodnight WON'T say goodbye, cause goodbye means forgetting...
Adalaine Marie Skyye
I owe a sincere apology to @Stryde I've been so wrong..

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