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Your reading this first don't matter in the grand scheme of things, to me I mean..That's not saying you don't matter elsewhere.
Haters come and will you. If you don't have the balls to say to my face " hey Adalaine, I just think your views are wrong, I don't like you or trust I'm going to block you..."
I'd say " ok, thank you for at least telling me. I respect the hell out of you for that..thanks..bye...oh, your loss.."
Those that I interact with, they have the benefit of my "life experience's, knowledge, validation in them, strength, etc " and yes my frailties and weaknesses (to me these are actually my strongest parts...they allow me to be able to understand things so many CAN'T. They do show themselves from time to time...and I'm so grateful to those that extend me their time and their experience and hope, etc..
(I'll finish this in a bit...a friend messaged and I am responding)
Ok that brings me here...fuck you, you who are too narrow minded to understand a unique
person...To stupid to except difference in someone...wearing blinders that keep you more dead then alive, more blind then someone with no eyes, a sheep following the herd...You blindly label someone because of things like gender, sexual preference, age, gay, straight or bi , transsexual, or pansexual...if they are dominant or a submissive, into pain...are Christian or Muslim or a Satan worshipper( I've known a few really respectful Satanists ) in 6th grade or College...and all the other things you run from. A closed judgmental mind is a rather dangerous yourself...keeps you stupid, ignorant and the worst thing of almost any other kind, a blind follower.
I've only been blocked by a few, That's your prerogative...I'd love to see your reading lists...few books, all one category-romance, straight sexual orientation, traditional...I'm sure I have plenty of haters, chill..There are those I dislike also, doesn't mean I can't agree with some of their views, but they know this and don't block someone because of differing views.
So to you that block anyone for differing views or things like I mentioned...from all of us to all of you. t(*.*)
Adalaine/Wolf/Stephen James/Elizabeth/Rebecka/Brooke/korina/Sarah/Emily/ brian

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