Chapter 54

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Two hours later.

The doctor had to reset my nose. It was awful. They accused Frank of domestic abuse. He was going to take it. But I wouldn't let him. So I told them the truth. Well that went down well. I was so embarrassed. But I laughed it off. The doctor promised he'd keep it quiet. I reminded him of his last visit to New Jersey. He went quiet. I know he'll keep quiet. His secrets just as embarrassing.
Frank led me to the couch and I sat down.
"Coffee, baby?" He asked, kissing my cheek.
I smiled at him, then groaned in pain. "Yes, please, honey."
He stroked my cheek. "I'm so sorry, baby." He said, sadly.
"It wasn't your fault." I reassured him for about the twentieth time. "It was my own fault. I decided it was a good idea to rest my forehead on the railing. I'm so stupid."
He sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms. "Tell you what." He said, kissing my forehead. "Let's just both take the blame and leave it at that."
I agreed, but only because I was already falling to sleep on his shoulder.

Frank's P.O.V

I looked down at Gerard as he slept. He looked so peaceful. The nose injury made him snore slightly. Another injury due to me.
First was when he cut his arm after breaking a window. My fault because I kissed someone else. Second was on our wedding day when I nearly choked him to death. Now he has a broken nose because of me. I'm a fucking danger to him.
A tear slid down my cheek. I moved him off me, gently. I kissed his cheek, then moved away. I stared down at him for a few minutes.
I really do love him. That's why I'm so scared. What if I hurt him again? He got enough of that from his dad. Oh fuck. I'm just like his dad.
I backed away from Gerard. Tears streaming down my face. I leaned against the kitchen sink and slid down to sit on my butt. I pulled my knees up to my chest and crossed my arms on them. I watched Gerard a little longer.
What if I hurt him again? I can't hurt him again. But if I leave him, I will hurt him. How am I going to keep him safe? Maybe I should do everything I can to make him leave me? If he hates me, he won't get hurt when he leaves.
Fresh tears fall as I put my forehead on my crossed arms. If I do everything I can to make him leave, I'd still be hurting him. What the fuck am I going to do?

Gerard's P.O.V

I woke to quiet sobs. I sat up and looked around. Frank was sat on the floor, by the sink, crying. I rushed towards him and pulled him into my arms.
"What's wrong, baby?" I asked as I rubbed his back and kissed his head.
"I...I'm just y....your" He cried.
I frowned and lifted his chin to look at his handsome, tear stained, face.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"First you c....cut your arm after I k...kissed s....someone else." He explained. "My fault. T...then I nearly c...choke you to death. T...then I break y...your nose. I'm a d...danger to you."
I stroke his hair away from his face. "Baby." I cooed. "Your not like him. I broke the window. So that's my fault. You didn't choke me on purpose." I smirked. "You were just having too much fun. As for my nose...I was having too much fun." I kissed his nose. "I always have fun with you in the bedroom. Even if I did fuck up and break my own nose." I laughed at my own stupidity.
"B...but...." Frank tried.
I shook my head, my face completely serious now. "You haven't done anything wrong." I pointed out. "Please don't be upset. I love you, baby. I don't like seeing you upset. It upsets me too." I kissed him on the lips as I wiped away the tears with my thumbs. My nose was hurting so bad. But right now, Frank's the only one that matters.
He frowned at me as I pulled back a little. "Gerard?" He said. "Why are you crying?"
I reached up and wiped a tear off my face. I can't tell him it's the pain. He's already blaming himself. So I lied. Kind of.
"I'm scared." I said.
"Of what?" He asked, confused.
"Losing you." I wasn't lying really. The tears were for the pain though.
"Why would you lose me?"
I sighed. "Because you think your hurting me." I explained. "You might leave because you think it'll keep me safe. Because you'd rather live without me than hurt me."
He sighed. "I did think that." He admitted. "But I know that it'd hurt you too. I'd do anything to keep you safe and happy."
I smiled. "You being with me is making me happy." I told him. "As for being safe, I'm a big boy now. I can look after myself. I am safe with you. Accidents happen. There's no way I'm going to stop making love with you incase I.....I don't know...." I waved a hand in the air as I tried to find the right words. "...incase dick drops off."
Frank laughed. "Your dick? Seriously?"
I laughed. "It's the only thing I could think of." I admitted.
He raised his eyebrows. "You feeling horny or summat?"
I shook my head.
Frank's face turned serious. "Besides, if your dick did fall off, I'd have no use for you anymore."
I stopped laughing and grinned at him. "Oh really?"
"Oh yeah. Your not much use without Gerard Jr."
"Gerard Jr? Seriously?"
"Yep. He's the only reason I'm with you."
I raised a eyebrow. " If that's the case, Gerard Jr is on strike." I stated as I stood up and covered my junk with both hands. I turned my back on him and walked towards the couch.
"Nooo." He shouted as he rushed after me.


Poor Frank. Love as always. xxx

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