Chapter 26

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

one week later. Regional Talent Show day.

I was shaking. I have to perform infront of hundreds of people. How the fuck am I going to do that? I look at the others. Only Bob looks like he's not so nervous. Frank was shaking too. Mikey looked scared shitless. Ray looked like he was trying to cover up how nervous he was. I got to pull myself together. Calm them down. Here goes.

"Hey, guys." They all look at me. "We got this. We won't let our nerves beat us. Those people out there are just the kids from music class. Thats what we have to see when we go out there. If it helps, Oli and Jeremy are out there. Look at them. They're sitting at the front."

"What name do I give you?" A stage hand asks.

I smile. "My Chemical Romance." I say back. He nods then disappears. The guys frown at me. Mikey smiles. "Mikey came up with it." I admited.

"My Chemical Romance on next." Another stage hand called.

I took a deep breath. "Lets go guys."

We high fived then headed towards the stage. The band before us was from Chicago. They were called 'Rotundra' or something like that. They sang a song called 'Lost Light'. It was something about losing your faith. It was pretty good.

Then it was our turn. We walked out on stage. I spotted Oli and Jeremy straight away. They smiled and the knot in my stomach vanished. I waited for the others to get in place, then I stepped up to the mic. "Hey." I started. "We are from New Jersey. We are My Chemical Romance. This is a song I wrote myself. It's called 'I'm Not Okay.'"

The music started and the crowd sat up slightly in their seats. I moved to the music. Then began to sing. I forgot about the crowd as the song progressed. I opted for a non swearing version. I even forgot Frank was going to kiss my cheek. I nearly jumped. The song ended and the crowd shot to their feet, cheering and clapping. I jumped.

After the crowd quietened down, the host walked on stage and put a hand on my shoulder. "That was awesome, wasn't it?" He said into the mic to the crowd. They cheered again. "Well you've heard them all. Vote now. The two with the highest score will sing again. A second vote will give you your winner. So get voting."

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

An hour later.

All the bands stood on stage, huddled in their own groups. Ray was next to Mikey. Mikey next to me. Frank was resting a arm over my shoulder and Bob was next to him.

"The votes are in." The host said over the mic. "The two bands who will be battling for your votes are..." He paused for effect. "Colourblind...." The band jumped around and high fived each other. Well thats us out. The Krackens were better than us. "...And My Chemical Romance." I froze in shock. Fuck. We're in? Oh my god.

The guys hugged me. It's not sunk in.

"First up will be Colourblind." The host stated. "Get ready, guys."

We headed back stage. Frank threw his arms around me. "One more step, baby." He hugged me. I hugged back.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Ten minutes later.

I stood behind the mic for the second time. "Hey, again." The crowd laughed. "Thanks for the votes. Okay well this is another song written by me. Hope you like it. It's called 'Welcome To The Black Parade'." Like before, the music started and I forgot about the crowd. I lost myself completely in the lyrics. I moved to the music. Loving every second of it. I did notice that the guys must have forgotten about the crowd too. I had to dodge Frank and his guitar moves a few times. But I didn't mind. I felt free. I'm glad I'm not playing a instrument. It would only restrict me. I ended the song. The crowd stood again, clapping and cheering. Oh yeah. I forgot about them.

"Another brilliant performance." The host said as he stopped by me. "You write all your songs?" He asked me.

"Err...yeah." I answered.

"A very talented kid." He looked at the crowd. "Am I right?" The crowd cheered. "So now it's time to pick your winner. Voting starts now."

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

One hour later.

Back onstage again. Colourblind and us. The knot in my stomach was back. I know we're out. But it was great that we came this far.

"Okay so the votes are in." The host told the crowd. "Will it be Colourblind...." Pause for cheers. "Or My Chemical Romance?" The crowd cheered louder. Just trying to beat the others that cheered for Colourblind obviously. "So here it is." He opened the envelope in his hands. "The winner is...." Quit the pausing. "From New Jersey..." Fuck. No way. "My Chemical Romance."


We all knew they'd win. Just so you know, there is no bands with the names I mentioned. Well not to my knowledge. The song is just a made up one too. Comment and rate, please. Love you

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