Chapter 30

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Frank's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

5:00pm at home.

I sat at the kitchen table waiting for mum to come home. She must be working late. I felt like I was in a trance. The label gave us a week to work it out. Bob and Ray were asking their parents tonight. Gerard and Mikey were talking it over with Oli and Jeremy. I need to talk to mum. I was deep in thought when my phone rang. I looked at the screen to see Gerards name. I smiled as I pressed answer.

Me: "Hey, baby."

Gerard sniffled.

Me: "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Gerard: "Mum...she's....she's reported Oli and Jeremy as kidnappers and...and child molesters."

Me: "WHAT?"

Gerard: "She wants to take Mikey and me away. To the UK. I don't want to go, Frank."

He started sniffling again.

Me: "It's okay, baby. You could talk to Mr Matthews. He knows your situation."

Gerard: "I need you, Frank. Will you come round when your mum's back?"

Me: "Of course I will. Try and stop me."

Gerard: "Thank you."

Me: "You don't have to thank me. I love you, Gerard."

Gerard: "I love you, too. Will you still love me if mum takes us away?"

Me: "She won't. I promise."

Gerard: "But would you?"

Me: "Of course I would. I will always, ALWAYS love you. No matter where we are. That's a promise."

Gerard: "I'm worried about Mikey too."

Me: "Why? Is he okay?"

Gerard: "Mum always agreed with dad. She hates Mikey. She'll try to hurt him. I can't let her. I WON'T let her. I won't let anyone hurt him. I don't care what they do to me. But no one hurts Mikey. Not as long as I breathe."

Me: "Where is he now?"

Gerard: "Sat next to me. I'm not letting him out of my sight. I'm not losing him. I'd rather die."

Me: "If think I hear mum's car. Stay where you are. I'll be round soon. I promise."

Gerard's P.O.V

After I got off the phone with Frank. I hugged Mikey as he cried in my arms. A few minutes later, Oli walked in to my bedroom.

"Frank and his hot mum is downstairs." He said with a grin.

"Hot mum?" I ask. "Seriously?"

I helped Mikey stand up, but kept my arms around him. We followed Oli to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway to see Jeremy sat by Frank and Franks mum, Linda, sat by him. They all looked up at me as Mikey buried his head in my shoulder.

Linda smiled. "Hello, Gerard, Mikey."

"Hey." I said. Mikey kept quiet.

"Mum wants to talk to you, babe." Frank said with a smile.

Oli sat down across from Linda. I could've sworn she blushed when he smiled at her.

"I'm a lawyer." Linda informed me. "I will represent you boy's. For free. I'm going to recommend Mrs Way gives custody to Mr Sykes and myself."

I frowned. "Oli and you?"

Oli grinned as he took Linda's hand in his. "We've been seeing each other for a while now." He said, smiling.

"Well you kept that secret." I said with a bit of venom. I've been close to Oli for most of my life. I never kept anything from him. But he has from me.

Everyone looked at me in shock. Except Mikey, who stayed where he was.

"Gerard?" Jeremy spoke at last.

"I've known you two must of my life." I stated. "I've NEVER kept secrets from you. Me and Mikey have always been honest with you. You always promised you would NEVER keep secrets from us. Now we find out you've been seeing someone and you kept it secret from us. I'm just a bit annoyed that you couldn't tell us."

Oli sighed as he stood up and walked towards us. Stopping infront of me. "I'm sorry, Gee." He said. "I didn't tell you because you had so much on your mind with your dad and the regionals. Then there's Mikey. I know you worry about him." He reached out and stroked Mikey's hair. "I wanted to tell you as soon as I met Linda. But I didn't know if it would upset you. Because of how close we are."

I sighed. "That's exactly why I should have known." I told him. "Your like a proper dad and best friend to me. I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy." Oli hugged us both. "Do you think we can pair Jeremy off next?" I said as he pulled away. "Or do you think he's too scary looking?"

"Hey." Jeremy shouted as Oli sat back in his previous position.

I looked back at Linda. "Your really willing to take on both of us?"

She smiled "Of course."

"You know we have a lot of problems, right?" I asked.

"Most kid's do."

"Mikey has depression and due to recent events, is suicidal."

"That's okay." She stated. "I can help him. We can get him on anti depressants. And the more love we show him, the less suicidal he'll be."

She's good. But Mikeys my top priority. "You catch him drinking, what do you do?"

"Take the drink away and ask him not to drink too much until he's old enough to drink responsibly."

Nice. "You catch him cutting his wrists."

"Gently clean him up and bandage his wounds." She said. "Then talk to him to find out why he felt the need to hurt himself. If the source of his problem isn't solvable with talking to him. We could arrange a therapist."

Hummm. "He sneaks out to a concert you told him he couldn't go to. It finishes pass midnight."

"Punishment. Like grounding for a week. Or no pocket money for a month."

I smiled. "Your good."

"You didn't mention your problems." She pointed out.

"I don't matter. Mikey's the important one." I said.

Linda ĺaughed. "You are so wrong." She said as she walked towards me. "You matter too. And in our family you will be just as important as each family member." I smiled as she hugged me. I looked over at Frank. He was smiling happily at me.


Poor Gerard has trouble again. But at least now he has Linda. Happy new year. Love you

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