Chapter 8

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Gerard's P.O.V

Frank had my arm round his shoulder as we headed towards the old abandoned house by the park. We stopped by the door. I turned to look at Frank. "I have to go in alone." I said.

Frank frowned at me. "How? You can't walk without support."

"I have to. Miķey won't come out unless I'm alone."

"But you can't walk." He protests again.

I grin. "Err...about that." I said pulling away. "I lied."

Frank grins back at me. "You can walk?"


"So why..?"

I smirk. "So I could get close to you. Obviously." Frank laughs as I open the door and walk in. I close the door behind me. I groan and hold my stomach as a pain shoots through it.

I take out my phone and call Oli. He answers straight away.

Oli: "Gerard? Did you find Mikey?"

Me: "No. But I know where he is."

Oli: "Where?"

Me: "The abandoned house by the park. Franks outside. Mikey won't come out unless I'm alone."

Oli: "Okay. We're on our way."

I hung up and began searching the house. I check the lounge first. "Mikey?" Nothing. Kitchens empty. Basements empty too. All the bedrooms and bathrooms are empty. Just the attic.

I open the attic door and step inside. I freeze as I see Mikey by the other side off the room. Theres a big gaping hole that was a floor. Mikey was stood on a small ledge. He was shaking.

"I tried to walk over to the door when I saw you out the little sky light. But the floor gave way. I nearly fell." Mikey said.

"It's not high, Mikey." I'm gonna go downstairs and drag the old mattress in the area below youso you can drop onto it. Okay?" He nods agreement so I go back to the room below.

It's a struggle with the pains in my stomach area. But I manage it. I look up at Mikey."It's safe to drop down now." He lowers himself over the edge and drops onto the mattress. Then we grab eachother as the bedroom floor gives way. The weight causes a chain reaction and I pass out as we land in the basement.

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