Chapter 11

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Frank's P.O.V

I don't know how Gerard can be so positive. He's been out of the hospital for a week now and he's still smiling. And singing. God I love that voice. He's singing another new song. I watch his handsome face as he sits in the wheelchair in Oli's garage, with a mic in his hand, singing.

"Now come one come all to this tragic affair

wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair

so throw on the black dress, mix in with the lot

you might wake up and notice you're someone you're not

If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see

you can find out first hand what it's like to be me

so gather round piggies and kiss this goodbye

I'd encourage your smiles I'll expect you won't cry

Another contusion, my funeral jag

here's my resignation, I'll serve it in drag

you've got front row seats to the penitence ball

when I grow up I want to be nothing at all

I said yeah, yeah!

I said yeah, yeah!

C'mon c'mon c'mon I said

(save me!)Get me the hell out of here

(save me!)Too young to die and my dear

(you can't!)If you can hear me just walk away and

(Take me!)"

I clap and smile at him. "That was brilliant." I said as I sit down on a chair beside him. I lean over and kiss him. His tongue darts out to trail over my lips. I open my mouth to allow him access. I groan.

"Get a room." Mikey calls from the door. We part and look over at him.

"Hey Mikey." Gerard says, smiling.

"Do you need anything?" Mikey asked Gerard. After the accident, he blamed himself. So he fussed round Gerard. Doing anything and everything he could to make his life as close to normal as he could.

"A bed and some privacy with Frank so I can fuck his brains out." He answered.

I swung my head around to look at him. He looked serious. I looked back at Mikey. He looked embarrassed.

Gerard sighed then laughed. "I'm kidding. I can't do fuck all till I get these fucking things working again." He said, punching a leg.

Mikey started crying and ran into Gerards open arms. "It's all my fault." Mikey muttered.

"Stop it, Mikey." Gerard said, cupping the younger boys face. "I don't blame you. Your my brother and I love you. I would do it all again to protect you. Don't ever blame yourself again. Do you hear me?"

"But if I hadn't been drinking, Dad wouldn't have tried to hurt me. You wouldn't have needed to help me. It's all my fault your in this bloody chair." Mikey got up and ran out. Oli walked in.

"What's up with Mikey?"

Gerard sighed. "He blames himself for me being in this chair." Oli walked forward. Jez walked in behind him. "Do me a favor, Jez" Gerard asked.

"Just name it." Jez said. "Anything for you."

"Talk to Mikey. He listens to you. Make him see that I mean it when I said I don't blame him. I will get out of this fucking chair. That's a promise."

Jez smiled. "I know you will. You've never broken a promise before." He said. "I'll go talk to him."

"Thank you, Jez."

"No problem, bro." Jez said as he walked out.

Oli smiled at Gerard. "I'm proud of you, Gee." He said. "You've always been a brilliant brother and friend. Promise me you'll never change."

Gerard smiled. "What's with the mushy stuff?"

Oli laughed. "Fine. No mushy stuff. Just don't ever change. Later." He said, then walked out.

We looked at each other. "As my friend Bob would say. 'Gayyy'" I said. We both started laughing.

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