Chapter 23

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Frank's P.O.V

I stare out my window. Watching Gerards window. He was still at his desk. Head down. Mikey had left a while ago. Gerard hadn't moved. I need to go talk to him. I need to explain. I could never cheat on him. I love him. Gerard lifted his head to wipe his face. Then he opened his laptop. He stared at the screen. He stayed like that for several minutes. Then he jumped up off the chair and swept his arm across his desk. Knocking the laptop to the floor. He grabbed his hair in both hands and leaned against the window, shaking as he stared at the now broken laptop. Oli ran in the room, looked down at the damage and pulled Gerard into his arms. Gerard didn't hug back.

Why did I have to fuck up? I've ruined the best thing I ever had.

Gerard's P.O.V

I don't care that I broke my laptop. It had Frank as my wallpaper. Smiling as he sat on my doorstep. I was happy then. Why did he have to ruin things.

"Come on, Gerard." Oli said as he pushed me away a little to look at my face. "He doesn't deserve you."

I jerked my arm back to pull away. My elbow broke the window. A piece of glass stuck in me. But I didn't care. I pulled it out and pushed past Oli to lock myself in the bathroom.

Frank's P.O.V

Gerard's hurt. There was blood coming from his elbow. I have to get to him. I have to see he's okay. I rush out my bedroom door, almost knocking my mum over. I ignore her calls as I rush down the stairs and out the front door.

Mikey's P.O.V

I rushed into Gerard's room as soon as i heard the window smash. I can't believe he just removed the glass from his elbow and pushed Oli away. He never pushes Oli away. He runs into the bathroom and locks the door.

"Come on, Gerard." Oli calls through the door.

Jeremy walks in. "What happened?" He asked, looking at the broken window.

I sigh as Oli keeps trying to coax Gerard out. "Gerard broke the window and locked himself in the bathroom."

Oli looked at me. "You should try talking to him."

I shook my head. "I don't think any of us are going to be able to talk to him." I sighed.

Someone banged on the front door. I walked down to answer it. Opening the door I saw Frank. Is he fucking stupid? "I warned you to stay away."

Frank stood his ground. "Please, Mikey." He pleaded. "I love him. I can't see him like that. Hit me all you want. I don't give a fuck. I won't fight back. I just want the chance to explain. I'm not leaving till I do."

I stared at him. Tears were running down his face. He was genuinely concerned and upset.

"You have five minutes." I snapped, moving aside to let him pass.

Gerard's P.O.V

I removed my blood stained top and dropped it to the floor. I grabbed a towel and held it over my cut elbow. Then I sat down, leaning against the bath.

"Please, Gerard." Oli called again. "Please at least let us know your okay." Things went quiet for a while. Then someone sat on the floor and leaned against the door.

"Gerard, baby?" Frank. Who the fuck let him in?

"Fuck off." I feel sick. I crawl to the toilet and lift the lid.

"Please, sweetheart. Let me explain."

I leaned over the bowl and threw up.

"Gerard, honey. Are you okay?" He shouted with concern.

I threw up again.

"Get lost." I try to shout. I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet. I'm freezing. "Oli." I shout.

"I'm here." He shouts back.

"I'm c..cold." I call back. "B...been s...sick. c...can't s...see p..p.right."

"Move." Oli shouts. There's shuffling. Then the door flies off it's hinges. Oli rushes in to see me cuddling my legs. Eye's closed.

"T...tired." I whisper as I fall into Oli's arms. Darkness overtaking me.


Oo oh. What's wrong with Gerard?xxx

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