Chapter 22

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

The next day.

I head out of history class. I rush towards the lockers to meet Frank. He's not there. Maybe he's outside having a cigarette. I head out the school doors to the smoking area out back. I freeze as I turn the corner. No. This is not happening. Not again. Tears well up as anger sets in. Frank is in a full on kissing session with Pete. Again. I stare at them. Waiting for Frank to push him away. He doesn't. I back around the corner and listen.

"Fuck, Frank." I hear Pete say. "Your fucking hot, babe."

Frank giggles. "You should see me in bed."

"Maybe I will."

I've heard enough. I walk away. Out the school gates. I go to the bridge. Sitting with my legs over the water, I look into the ripples. Why would Frank do that to me? I thought he was happy. I guess I'm not good enough for him. I'm not good enough full stop. Why the fuck am I even here? I'm obviously in the way. No one would miss me if I wasn't here anymore.

Frank's P.O.V

I searched the hallways for Gerard. Nowhere. I spot Mikey and head towards him. "Have you seen Gerard?" I ask as I stop infront of him. "He was supposed to be by the lockers. But he's not there."

Mikey frowns. "I've not seen him."

A small girl with red hair walked over to us. "Gerard went out the school gates about ten minutes ago." She said. "He looked really upset. He had tears on his face."

I looked at Mikey. "Why was he upset?"

Mikey shook his head. "Dunno. But I think I know where he'll be."

We thank the girl then head out. Mikey leads us to a bridge. Apparently Gerard sits there sometimes to think. Well he used to. He wasn't there though. Then I noticed something.

"Mikey." I say as I run towards the bridge wall. I pick up Gerards red leather jacket. I look around. No Gerard. I look over the wall into the water, then at Mikey. "He wouldn't, would he?" I ask. God I hope he wouldn't.

Mikey looks really worried. "He's talked about suicide in the past."

Tears start to run down my face. Oh god no. I hug the jacket as Mikey pulls out his phone.

"Jeremy?" He says into the phone. "I think Gerard has done something stupid." He pauses. "What?" Pause. His face relaxes a little. "We're on our way. Bye." He hangs up and looks at me. "Gerard is at mine. Crying on Oli's shoulder."

I relax slightly. He's not dead. Thank god. I follow Mikey to his place. Just as Mikey opens the door, Gerard takes one look at me and punches me in the face. Same place Mikey did last time. I stagger backwards. "What the fuck did I do?" I ask when I straighten up.

Mikey walks past Gerard and grabs his shoulders.

"I saw you, Frank." Gerard snaps.

I frown. "Saw me what?" I don't get it.

"Saw what, Gerard?" Mikey asked.

Gerard backed up a few steps to look at Mikey. "He was kissing Pete. Again. Only this time he never pushed him away and he was telling him he should see him in bed." Gerard cried out then ran upstairs.

I opened my mouth to explain. But Mikey interrupted.

"Stay away from my brother." He snapped grabbing the door. "If you come anywhere near this house again, I'll fucking kill you." Then he slammed the door.

I stared at the closed door for what seemed like an eternity.

I looked out of my bedroom window at Gerard's window. Mikey was hugging him as Gerard sat at his desk. Gerard had his head on the desk. His body shaking as he cried. I wiped my tears away. I should be there hugging him. Why do I always fuck up?


Tut tut tut, Frank. Get over there and explain before it's too late. Do you think he can get out of this one?xxx

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